Scorpio (m) x Taurus (f)

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"I'm not changing." Taurus tugs slightly on her oversized shirt. "Its not my fault you lied to them. Why did you even tell then you had a girlfriend anyway?"

"They were being annoying as fuck, I needed to put them in their place." Scorpio crosses his arms and looks over his friend's 'pajamas'. "Are you really going to wear this to the sleepover?"

Taurus glares at him, offended. "Yes! This is what I always wear to sleep! Who cares who is coming, I need to be comfy!" She refuses to change from her large tee and underwear just because there would be others.
"If you don't let me wear this, then I won't pretend to be your girlfriend."

Scorpio sighed. "Fine, fine. But its not my fault that they're probably going to look at you that way." He left his room where she'd been getting prepped on the situation and how to be a girlfriend.

"WAIT! What way?" She calls after him. Walking through the doorway, she finds him waiting for the guests in the parlor.
"In what way, Co-co?"

He glares at her for using the nickname shes grown so fond of. "Don't fucking call me that. They're gonna look at you like you're some sort of object, but don't mind them. They're just being pricks."

"But am I not your girlfriend? Why would they do that, if they think I'm not single?"

He raises an eyebrow, "You're seriously naive- and here they are."
He opens the door for Leo and Aries to come in, along with their girlfriends, Cancer and Virgo. Silently, he leads them up a room with three beds, where they would be sleeping for the night.

"So you do have a girlfriend. And a cutie at that. Not cuter than Cancer, but still." Leo comments once sitting with his girlfriend on their respective bed.

"Heh, I'm not quite convinced. You two should kiss." Aries says.

Taurus glances at Scorpio who gives her the 'please just go along with it' face. She shrugs before leaning up and giving Scorpio a peck on the lips.

"No, you idiots. French kiss."

'Oh god, I'm going to throw up.' Taurus thought.

Scorpio had something to say however, "Why would I french with my girlfriend in front of you perverts? You probably just want to get off on this."

"Oh snap!" Taurus covered the giant smile on her face with her palm. 'Scorpio is gonna start something!'

"Figures you're too scared to kiss you're own girlfriend for real." Aries smirked, wrapping an arm around Virgo who, inturn, started to french with him.

Cancer blushed at the sight and sighed. This was the normal when she was with her boyfriend.

Scorpio gave a killing glare to Aries and pulled Taurus onto his lap.

"What the-" she didn't finish her sentence as Scorpio pulled her into the most heated kiss of her life. He tightened his grip around her waist and brushed his hands up and down her back.

It was enough to leave Aries, Leo, Cancer and Virgo speechless.
And Taurus breathless and flushed.

"How about we call off the sleepover? You four don't seem too well." They soon left, and only Taurus and Scorpio remained in Scorpio's house.

"What was that!? Scorpio this is a lot more than I agreed to! I can't believe-!"

"That I'm such a great kisser? A cool boyfriend?" He intertwines her fingers with his. "About what I said about your pajamas and them being pricks...well, its mostly a lie. I just didn't want anyone else to see you like this."
He looked at her and she squirmed a bit under his heated gaze. "In case you haven't noticed, I don't want you to pretend to be my girlfriend. Be the real thing."

Her mouth hangs open for a while before she regains her bearings. Smiling softly she states her terms, "Fine, but you have to make me smores when ever I ask, and a sandwich whenever I come over. Got it, Co-co?"

"Shut up."

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