Leo (f) x Cancer (m)

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It had already gone wrong. All of it.
"Would you stop being so full of yourself!?" She had met her breaking point.
You don't understand? Lets rewind.

~ ~ ~
A mere 30 minutes ago...

"Babe, what should I wear to the party tonight?" Leo held up to dresses for her boyfriend to choose from. One, a black seemingly tight, curve appealing one. It cut right above her knee and she had paired it with some fishnet leggings.
The other was a red flowing dress. The kind that if you wore it, you could twirl and it woyld bloom like a flower, like a rose. It was cut low in a 'v', show a bit of her cleavage should she wear it. No leggings for this one.

"Depends, do you want to dance?" Aries kissed her cheek and walked by her to start putting his own outfit on.

"Depends if you want to dance?" She purred.

"The black dress then. And hurry, we should be late, but fashionably so. Let them think we pitied them and decided to come to their party."

"But we still look goddamn great!" She adds, pulling on the fishnets.

~ ~ ~
Ten minutes later

They arrive at the party, fashionably late, though no one else cared very much as to whether or not they showed up. Some had even forgotten they were invited. The host himself, Gemini, didn't stop talking long enough to acknowledge. No, he and Sagittarius chatted away.

The couple made their way towards the bar where Leo ordered a pina-colada, nonalcoholic since she'd be driving home, and Aries ordered a cosmo with an extra bit of vodka.
'Odd choice' Leo thought. She eyed her boyfriend. He didn't look back at her, he seemed to be scoping the dance floor. 'What for?'

Libra sauntered over, swiftly cutting Leo's access to her boyfriend off.
"Hello handsome! Waiting for me to come by and make you dreams come true?" She brushed a hand against his chest.

Leo got fired up, grabbing her by the wrist and as calmly as she could, pulling her away from her man completely. "Scuse me, but hes taken." Libra went off with a roll of her eyes.

"I could have handled it you know." Aries said in a tone that was less than his usual teasing attitude.

"I know, but I didn't like the feel of her." Leo replied.

"I'll be back. I need to use the bathroom." And before Leo could acknowledge, Aries had went to the little gents room.

~ ~ ~
A full 17 minutes later

Leo had first ordered another drink when she finished hers. Then she tried to dance, but it was to hard to in her dress. She sat at a stool and looked around, trying to see if she could find Aries around, maybe heading back from the restroom.
She pulled out her phone, 11:09 pm. It has been 15 minutes since he left. She decided it was worth her dignity to just this once be nosy and look in the boys' bathroom.
But then she wished she hadn't.

There Aries was, yes. But there between him and the wall was Libra. And their lips were connecting in a much more than friendly way. Leo has had just about enough of this. It was inded the fourth time he had cheated on her, second time she was in the same building. But she stayed because they were the 'power couple', they were supposed to rule the school.

"I'm fucking done. I've put up like with you for too long, Aries!" She walks over briskly and slaps him across the face.
"What in the world made you think its okay to use me for status!? I'm done with you for good. Get it through your thick skull, Aries. We're over!"

Just as she turned, mascara dripping down her face, leaving the men's lavatory, Libra called out. "Would you stop being so full of yourself!?"

She turned and glared at the slut who cheated with her boyfriend, yet dared to say this. "Shut the fuck up, bitch. Or I'll snap your neck in two." Before running outside to call a friend to pick her up.

~(now we get to the cancer stuff XD)~

Leo immediately called her friend Cancer. He always cared for her. He could definitely help her through a situation like this.

The phone rings twice, then he picks up. "Leo? W-why are you crying!? Oh, god. I'll be right there!"
He drives over as fast as he can with the speed limit of 45. As soon as Leo gets in the car, she embraces him, crying into his shoulder.

"It's okay, it's okay. You're too good for him anyway."

She chuckles, "I know that. I just can't believe I stayed with him for so long." She looks into Cancer's eyes.
"Especially when there is prime boyfriend material right here."

Cancer blushes, raising his eyebrows in alarm. "How much did you drink in there?"

"Two pina coladas, one alcoholic. No need to worry, this is all me thats saying this. And all me thats doing this too." Leo wraps her arms a round Cancer's neck and kisses him.
And he kissed back.

After all, he was the only guy that really cared for her feelings and not just her status or body. And he had a crush on her.
So they both won.

XD, yep. I made it one of those cliché stories where one person already had a crush on the other. Cause if I didn't it wouod go from the oneshot its supposed to be, to a story. I'm going to add her and to the description, that this is a book of one shots. Anyway, hapy courting, you Leo's and Cancer's!

Sorry that Cancer just barely jumps in last second here. Meh. Lol this is how I write. One decent chapter, then whatever this garbage is \(^ヮ^)/ -Who c a r e s ?

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