Did You Miss Me?

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You've known each other for five years and yet you still seem to amaze each other. Sherlock and you, the perfect team for Scotland Yard. That was until Moriarty came back, you moved into 221B, and John had a family and was too busy to deal with Sherlock's antics.

Then one day there was something that no one could ignore. It made Mrs. Hudson fall to her knees and scream, Mycroft realize his brother wasn't crazy after all, and Lestrade to spill his coffee.

It was simply a video message that no one expected to see, with four simple words that simply couldn't be. A genius, a crazy, a liar and an assassin.

Did you miss me?


Now it's your turn to decide what happens. John has a family to deal with and you have Sherlock to deal with. Good luck and have fun! But not too much fun... People's lives are on the line, and some of them are very dear to you and your detective.


Good luck solving this case, you're going to need it.

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