Of Author's Notes

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Alright. Here it begins. You and me new friend, on the first page of our story. Well, let's be honest here, the first page of my story. Come on, you didn't really think you were going to credit just for reading did you. Fine. Fine! Thank you for reading. Happy now? Good.

Let's call this the first page of Gabby's story, shall we? (Though it's anything but. Really, she wasn't born on this page, so I'll have to say we're jumping in somewhere a bit further than the beginning). Yes, sorry, I'll stop rambling and get on with this now. You probably didn't come here to read the authors note. 

But I warn you. This may get boring if I stop rambling. But alas, it is a necessary sacrifice. For I must now state that I do not own Doctor Who (though I really wish I did). Instead, the copyright for Doctor Who (and all of it's characters and storylines) goes to the BBC. However, the copyright for Gabrielle Peterson  and all of her storylines goes to me.

Yup. I own her. She's glaring at me in her own special clumsy way right now, and protesting that she owns all legal rights to herself but I'm afraid I do own her. Sorry. So you better not steal her for me (yes, even if you think you'd be a better owner). It's just not going to happen. I'm very sorry. 

Now, since we're done with that bit. I have just realized that I really don't have much more to say on here, so if you'd like to go onto the next, there's nothing I can do to stop you. Really. Honestly. Nothing at all. In fact. I'd suggest it. Go on. Do it. Read.

                                            *kindly shoves you to chapter one*

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