Shipwrecked - Part 1

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You were on the S.S Friendship with all your friends. You were all ready to go on an adventure! You looked at the beautiful ocean surrounding you. You loved the scenery. Then your best friend walked up next to you. It was Hatty Hattington. He was the captain of the S.S Friendship. He was also everyone's best friend! "Beautiful view, isn't it?" He said. "Yes." You said. You both looked at eachother. You slightly blushed. Then you decided to ask Hatty a question. "Is this your first time sailing?" Hatty looked at you and said, "No. I've actually done this hundreds of times!" He smiled. You were amazed by what Hatty said. "Hundreds of times? That's interesting.." You thought.

But then your moment was interrupted by a storm that brewed out of nowhere! The ship was shaken around by the storm. It rained and there was thunder and lightning! You were scared. But just like that, it was over. "Is everyone ok? I don't know what I'd do if I lost even one of you!" Hatty said. "I'm ok!" Everyone, including you, said. You felt flattered by what Hatty said. But then an even bigger storm came! It was almost like Poseidon himself extended his hand in friendship, and they spat in his mouth! The rain came down like a shower of bullets! And the floorboards of the ship were creaking and buckling and breaking! You were scared to death and were struggling to stay on the ship! You tried to dodge the pieces of the ship that were falling down like broken dreams and then Reginald comes upstairs and he's all like, "I say gentlemen, I do believe we're in quite a spot of bother!" And everyone else was like, "Really? What tipped you off genius!?" And Hatty was all like, "Hey be nice!" Huge waves sent the boat to and fro, fro and to! You grabbed ahold of the railing and screamed, "Help me!" But Hatty couldn't hear you over the sounds of everyone yelling and screaming in fright! You witnessed some of your friends being thrown overboard and felt upset and helpless. You then saw this huge whale that was like, "Mwaaa!" Which made the situation more scary! And there was a shark! Yep! There it is! Oh no! Then you heard Hatty say, "Hold on to your butts! Land ho!" Then the ship crashed, making your head hit the railing and you blacked out...

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