Betrayed - Part 2

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You wake up, and your head hurts. You take in your surroundings and realize you're still on the S.S Friendship. You get up, and look around. The ship is torn up, and some of Hatty's friends are still unconsious. Then you remembered Hatty! "Hatty?" You call out, hoping for an answer. But there wasn't one. You then wonder where the rest of your friends are. You tried waking one up, but they were still unconsious. You gave up and sighed. You then looked in the distance and saw an old, rundown theater. You decide to go there. "Maybe Hatty's there!" You thought. You got off the ship and ran towards the old theater. You read the letters that were on the building. "Battleblock Theater." It said. "Hm, sounds interesting." You thought. You walked past the ticket booths, not noticing the "Keep Out!" Signs. You walked into the theater. It was old and musty. You walked through the place, calling Hatty's name. You were worried about him. You felt like you were being watched, but shook off the feeling. You kept on walking until you saw Hatty! And he seemed to have made new friends! They looked like cats. You felt happy that Hatty made new friends and hid behind a rock to stay hidden. You didn't want to interrupt them. But wait, they're holding this nice-looking hat... They put it on him and you thought he looked good in it. But then something weird happened. Hatty started to raise in the air as you watched in curiousity. His hat started to glow red. Those cats aren't wonderful new friends, are they? Then something unexpected happened! Hatty saw you, and shot some powerful red magic at you, breaking the rock you were hiding behind. The cats then came and captured you! You were scared and confused. "Why is Hatty doing this?" You wondered. "Take her away!" You heard Hatty say, and the guards obeyed. They took you to this cell and locked you away, leaving you feeling heartbroken and betrayed.

Hatty Hattington x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt