Injured - Chapter 4

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F/N = friend's name

You sat in your prison cell, thinking. You realized it was time to think of a way to escape the theater. You tried thinking of a way to save Hatty. You felt that even though the hat has seemingly taken control of him, there's still a little bit of good inside him. "Hatty would never do this, it must be the cats that did it!" You said. You tried to think of a plan, but then you realized you didn't know the place all too well. You needed a map. You then remembered that they had a map of the place in the Gift Shop. You mentally noted yourself to grab a map the next time you were in the Gift Shop. "What are you thinking about?" Your best friend f/n said. "I'm thinking of a way to save Hatty and escape the theater." You replied. "Oh." Your friend said, smiling. "You think Hatty's betrayed us?" Your friend asked. "No!" You said. "Hatty would never do that!" You said. "Ok..." Your friend replied. You looked out the barred window of your cell, staring at the forest a few inches away from the window. It was daytime. You sighed, thirsting for freedom. You then jumped at the sound of someone's voice. You looked behind you, a Cat Guard was outside your cell. "It's time for you to preform." The cat said. You gave it a dirty look and let it unlock your cell. You walked out and went to the stage. You managed to get the first gem but you got severely injured by one of the cats. You felt exhausted and fell to floor, you were in immense pain. You heard the crowd scream in shock before you blacked out.

You woke up in an unfamiliar room. It took you a while to realize you were in Hatty's room! You jolted upwards, but you felt severe pain in your chest. You groaned and clutched your chest. You felt some type of fabric you never felt before. You looked down and saw bandages wrapped around your chest. You wondered who did this. "Wait, where's Hatty?" You thought. You then heard the door unlock. You waited for something to happen. The door opened and Hatty walked in, much to your joy. "Oh. Finally you're awake." Hatty said. You smiled. You were happy that Hatty was still ok. "So, how do you feel?" Hatty asked you. He got on his bed and sat down next to you. "I'm fine." You said. "That's good." Hatty said. You looked Hatty in his eyes. Tears were streaming down his face. "Why are you crying Hatty?" You asked. "I'm not crying." He said. "Yes you are..." You said. You were worried about Hatty. "No I'm not! I don't feel sad at all!" Hatty explained. You were still worried about him, but decided not to ask any more. "Well, do you need anything?" Hatty asked. "No thank you." You said.

Hatty's POV

For some strange reason, I was somewhat relieved that Y/N is ok. Maybe it's because she's needed as an actor, I think.. Oh well, what matters is she's ok. I think.. Wait, did I just think that? What is happening to me?

Hatty seemed to be staring into space. You snapped him out of his thoughts. "Are you ok?" You asked him. "Yeah, I'm ok." Hatty replied. You smiled and yawned. "Are you tired?" Hatty asked you. "Yes.." You said. "Ok." Hatty replied. You laid down in his bed and pulled the covers over you. Hatty got into his bed and cuddled up next to you. He wrapped his arms around you. You blushed brightly but Hatty didn't notice. "Goodnight Y/N." He said. "Goodnight Hatty..." You said. You wondered why Hatty was acting so nice to you even though he was corrupted by the hat. You fell asleep, along with Hatty.

Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I'm such a procrastinator... :(

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