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"Y-Yes, I hope you c-could help me since you're such good friends." Ken smiled.
"Oh... Sure." I say softly.
"Awesome! Thanks Jack!" Ken hugs me.
"Well, I mean, all you really have to do is say hi. That's how me and Mark kind of met him."
"O-Okay then, I thought it'd be harder than that but alright!" Ken runs off.
I'm left standing there, heart shattered. I never really felt this way for Felix before, I didn't even think I was gay. But hearing this, feels like I got the wind kicked outta me. Maybe it's just because I think Ken's not right for him? Yeah. Yeah that's it.

Felix's P.O.V.

I notice Jack talking to Ken, when I looked at Ken, he was blushing. I got a confused look on my face and raised an eyebrow. What the hell?! He's talking to Ken now?! I want to march right up to him, and slap him across the face. But I can't, I still love him. I hate him for being such a dick recently, but I still love Jack, good ol' Jack. He's perfect, I don't understand why he is being this way.
I grumble, "I knew this was all a joke."

It has been a week without talking to Jack, Mark once in a while talks to me, but I'm stern when I talk back to him.
I through the halls the next morning, ready to go to lunch when run into Mark. I look up at him and he smiles at me. I walk away heading to the lunch hall, unfortunately he follows me.
"Felix wait up!" He calls.
"What is it this time Mark?" I sigh.
"I-I was wondering if I could sit with you at lunch." I look up at him, he smiles sincerely.
I bite my lip, "Fine."
We head down to the lunch hall and grab some food then took our seats. I see Jack and Ken, they both look at me, and head to our table.
"Heya Jack!" Mark says.
"Hi!" He says with that gorgeous smile.
"Hey Mark! F-Felix!" Ken spoke up.
They sat down and started eating. I notice Jack give me a soft smile once in a while, I just ignore it. Ken stroke up a conversation with me once in a while, him I could talk to. But then Jack started talking to me.
"So Felix! Anything new happen recently?" He says joyfully, "We uh, haven't talked in a while."
"Yeah. This bullshit." I say walking away with my food. I head outside, to where I used to eat for lunch time. I sit down against the wall and slowly eat my food, I feel tears fill my eyes, and then start to roll down my cheeks. The bright blue sky and the thick green grass around me just make me feel worse. I hear footsteps coming, I start wiping my tears.
"H-Hi Felix." It was Ken.
"Hey Ken." I sigh.
"M-Mind if I sit next to you?"
"No go ahead."
He sits down and looks at the sky, then at me, "Y'know, I noticed you watching me and Jack talk earlier today."
"Oh, sorry."
"No no it's fine, I just didn't realize these things you were going through with Jack."
I don't respond.
"See, I was talking to Jack about not him but you. I wanted to know how to talk to you, because I-I liked you, but now that I know how you feel about J-"
"How do you know that?" I cut him off.
"Well, the way you look at him sometimes, is the way I used to look at you."
Ken stands up, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry, I knew it probably broke your heart."
"We cool?" I ask him.
"We cool."
Ken walks away, I am left alone again. I check the time with my watch, lunch isn't even half over yet. I growl, and place my tray on the ground. I shut my eyes, and thin about all the times I had with Jack. Then I start to think, did I take this too seriously? Too far? Did I see this all wrong? I start getting nervous and realize I've been the dick here. I start panicking, my breathing speeds up, I start sweating.
It's silent, nobody heard me. I sigh heavily and put my head in my knees, making myself a little ball.
"Hi Fe." I voice says. It's Jack.
I open my mouth to say something, but I then shut it and look away.
Jack sighs and sits next to me, "I've been a jerk lately and I know that. I just want my friend back."
I don't answer again.
"I really liked having you as a friend." He voice cracked, he was on the verge of tears. I look up at him.
"Jack!" I gasp.
"I never liked Ken, or Mark or whatever. And I know I haven't been talking to you at all, that's because I don't want to break your heart again or-or do something stupid," his speaking started to become faster, "And I know that I took your journal the thing you hold most dearest and nearest to you and I-I, when you stormed off today I felt like I was the worst guy in the world a-and I-"
"Jack," I put my hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry. I took this the wrong way and I made you feel like the bad guy. This is all my fault."
We pause in silence for a moment, staring into each other's eyes. His eyes are sparkling in the sun. I smile softly.
"Here's your journal Felix, I never opened it, I couldn't do that to you."
He handed me the journal from behind his back, and grab it and stare down at it.
"I-I swear Felix I didn't o-"
I started turning to my "Jelix" page, "Jack I... I love you." I say showing him the page.
"Felix I..."
I then kissed Jack, I felt all my sorrows fly away. His soft warm lips against mine made me sigh with pleasure.

Jack's P.O.V.

Felix had kissed me. It took me a second to kiss back, but I did. I couldn't help it, I loved Felix. I let go and smiled at him.
I giggled softly, "Felix, I love you too."
Felix looked down at his journal, he torn out the page he showed me, and tossed his journal across the yard.
"Felix! What are you doing?!" I say.
"I don't need that silly book when I have you."

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