Chapter 5

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A/N: Im in a super duper awesome mood so ive decided to post yet another chapter. arent you guys lucky lol. hope you like it this is one of my favorites!

Chapter 5

Hermione’s POV

October 31

“I love you too mum.” I managed to say as my mum pulled me into another tight hug.

“I’m going to miss you so much.” She sobbed into my hair. I patted her back feeling guilty. How could I leave her like this?

“Honey, she has to go now.” My dad said in a soothing voice.

My mum pulled away from me a bit to look me in the face. Tears were streaming down her face and she looked so heartbroken, it took everything in me not to cry. She kissed me on my cheek and then gave me yet another hug. She held on for a few moments longer and let me go.

“I’ll miss you too Hermy. Make sure you write us at least once a week.”

“No every day.” My mum corrected my dad giving him a glare. Her tone of voice left no room for arguing. I nodded my head.

“Of course,” I replied.

My dad then pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the forehead. His hazel green eyes looked down at me, they were so full of love and a hint of worry was deep in them. I sighed; my parents didn’t have to worry. I would be fine; at least I hoped I would be.

I completed and got through all my necessary training with my father and learned some more new abilities that I thought I would never have. And on top of that they made arrangements with McGonagall to assign me with a class that would help me further master my powers.

“Now I have to go, I’m going to be late.” I said, reminding them that I had to go, and that I had to go now.

“Do you have all your things? Your clothes, books, owl? Are you forgetting anything? Do you need anything else? How ab-“

“Mum, I got everything. Remember we already sent everything last night? Now I got to leave.” I told her cutting her off from her rambling that she always tended to do when we had to be separated. “I’ll be fine, trust me. I have Aime. If anything goes wrong he’ll be there for me.”

She nodded her head and started to cry once more. I sighed but pulled her into another hug. My mum may have been a Slytherin long ago, but her heart was fragile especially when it came to me. I pulled away and took a step back, allowing myself to have breathing room. I looked at both of my parents and they smiled at me and gave me small waves.

“I love you.” I told them. “And I’ll write you every day. I’ll also try to call you considering that I managed to defy the technological difficulties that go along when muggle electronics enter the magical world. Thanks to my new powers that is.”

“That’s our girl.” My dad said proudly.

“I love you.” I told them again. Half of me wanting to stay while the other wanting me to go. I gave them a smile.

“I love you too Hermy.” My dad said the same time my mum said “I love you too sweetie.”
And with a final wave I apparated and appeared in Hogsmeade with a pop, my stomach turning. No matter how much times i apparated i dont think i would ever get used to it. It felt unnatural to have your body turned inside out and back again.

I looked around glad that it was full of people and steaming with life, so unlike the last time I was here. I shook my head and took in a shaky breath. Not seeing anyone I knew I decided to go to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, I had heard that George had opened this second shop a few weeks before school started. I hadn’t seen George since the funeral and I wanted to know how he was. I may have been transformed, gained powerful magic, and gotten a short temper, but I was still as compassionate and sympathetic as I was before.

I walked through the crowd, keeping calm when someone rudely walked into me. Did they not see me walking? I bit back a growl. And here I thought I was getting better at controlling my anger problem.

Once at the entrance of the shop, the old entrance of Zonko's Joke Shop, I couldnt help but think how similar it was to the one in Diagon Alley. I took in a deep breath and pushed open the door. The bell rang, signaling that there was yet another customer. However the shop was packed with people and alive with different smells and noses. I smiled; it reminded me of the good old days.

I walked around the shop, pushing pass the masses of  children. However I didn’t notice anyone I knew, and from the looks of it no one recognized me either. I stopped to look at the Weasleys’ Wildfire Whiz-Bangs, remembering the year when Fred and George caused chaos during our owls. I chuckled at the memory. I turned to move away to continue searching for George when I bumped into someone.

“Oh sorry there, didn’t see you.” George said, not recognizing me at all.

His eyes went wide when he saw me however, and his eyes trailed up and down my body. I stopped myself from recoiling into myself. I have never, once in my life, ever been looked at like that. Especially this close and personal. I took a small step back to give myself more room.

I glanced down at myself. I was only wearing a black and white strapless dress. Sure it was a little more revealing than what I would be used to, but I guess my sense of style changed with the transformation. I also wore black heals and my necklace with the whistle. My hair was in a messy up do, so half was up and half was down, my bangs on the side of my face.

“Sorry Miss, I uh…Are you…um do you…Pygmy Puffs?” George said not making any sense as he stumbled over what to say. I smiled and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Bloody hell George, you don’t recognize me?” I asked him incredulous. He looked at me once more and finally recognition spread across his face.

“H-Hermione?” He asked, stuttering. As if he couldn’t believe it was me. I nodded my head and smiled.

“Yes. Good to know your brain still functions correctly Geo-“

However before I could finish my sentence he pulled me into a brotherly hug. I hugged him back; it had been too long, much too long. He let me pull away after a while.

“Wow, Hermione? I can’t believe my eyes.” He said looking at me yet again. “What happened to you?”

I raised an eyebrow. Did he want to know what happened to me physically or where I disappeared off to for the last five months, almost six?

“Let’s talk in my office.” He said and pulled me along into the backroom.

He led me to a seat and sat in the one opposite of me. I sat down and found it surprising comfortable. He smiled happily at me and kept blinking his eyes as if he thought I wasn’t real.

“Where did you go?” He finally asked me.

“America.” I told him bluntly, not really wanting to go into entire details about what I’ve been doing since I’ve been gone.

“Really? How was it there?” He asked.

“Good.” I replied.

“C’mon Hermione, what have you been doing? Why do you look so... different?” He asked sitting back in his chair and rubbing his chin like he was in deep thought trying to solve a mystery.

“Well you know, puberty.” I replied, not wanting to tell him what I’ve been through and why I look different. Unlike Harry and the lot he didn’t know who I really was.

George gave me an “are-you-serious” look, but sensing that I didn’t want to talk about it, decided to change the subject.

“So how did you stumble into my wonderful shop?” He asked me with a smile in his eyes.

“You know, I was just in the area and what not.”

“I heard from Harry that you haven’t been back to Hogwarts.”

I nodded my head.

“Yes, I’m returning today actually. Supposed to meet Headmistress McGonagall at the Three Broomsticks Inn, but I wanted to stop by and see how you’re doing.” I told him and with a softer voice asked him my next question. “How are you doing George?”

He looked at me with sad eyes, knowing fully well what I was talking about. I wanted to know how he was doing without Fred. My own eyes began to burn with tears that wanted to escape; it was such a delicate subject.

“It’s hard sometimes, but I have the rest of my family to help me through it.” He said and sighed at the end, running his hand through his inflamed hair. His voice matched mine and I could hear the pain and sadness laced into it.

“And I’ll be here too George, since I’m back I’ll make sure to come by every weekend.” I told him happily, hoping that it would cheer him up some way, somehow.

He smiled at me and instantly brightened up.

“Then I look forward to those days Miss Granger.” He told me cheerfully as he stood up. I too got up.

“Well I best be going George, can’t have McGonagall waiting on me.” I told him. He nodded.

“Her class was the only one I never missed.” He said and shivered at the thought of her. I laughed.

“Good bye George.” I said and gave him a hug. “See you soon.”

I pulled away and looked at him; his eyes were shining but not as bright as they once did. It seemed that he would never have the same twinkle in his eye like he had before Fred’s death. I sighed.

“Bye, Hermione. And I’ll hold you up on those weekends.” He replied with a small smile. I nodded and turned to leave, giving him one more wave.

“Well Miss Granger or do you go by Gau-”

“Granger’s good.” I said cutting off Headmistress McGonagall.

I was sitting in the Headmasters office. It still looked the same as when Dumbledore was alive. The only difference now was that Dumbledore’s portrait was hanging on the wall next to the Headmaster before him, Snape.

“I just wanted to tell you welcome back and I’m glad you decided to return, even though you already completed all your necessary classes. You’ll have the same schedule as last year, except you’ll be more of a teacher’s assistant rather than a student. I would also like to inform you that I will be your trainer and we will have classes every other day.” Headmistress McGonagall informed me. I nodded my head. “And I would like to aslo congratulate you on being the Head Girl.”

My eyes widened in shock. I was Head Girl?

“Me?” I asked her, unbelieving.

She nodded her head and smiled at me.

“You deserve it Miss Granger. You’re the top of the class and may I say so myself, but you’re the Brightest Witch of the Age. Never have I ever seen a student as intelligent as you. It was my honor giving you this position.”

“Thank you. And if you don’t mind me asking who’s head boy?”

“Young Mr. Higgs. That won’t be a problem will it?” She asked me.

I sorted through my brain trying to think of where I heard that name before. Finally it hit me, Terrance Higgs, the Slytherin seeker before Malfoy took his place. I hadn’t realized that he was in my year. He seemed to be one of the more decent Slytherin’s back then.

“No, it’ll be alright.” I replied with a smile.

“I will also like to inform you that during supper you will be resorted. It is up to the sorting hat however if you stay in Gryffindor or get moved into one of the other three houses. Now I’ll let you leave Miss Granger to say hello to your friends. But I do wish to tell you that you only have half an hour before supper is ready, so I suggest you say your hellos fast, I’m sure many of your friends have missed you. Oh and just in case you weren’t aware, tonight is the Halloween ball.”

I nodded my head taking in everything she just told me. I got up, not wanting to fret about possibly being resorted just yet.

“And please do change into your robes Miss Granger. Your things should be in your old dorm room.” Headmistress McGonagall told me as I began to leave.

“Yes, Headmistress.” I replied obediently, not exactly caring about what she said at the moment. I was too caught up in my thoughts.


I walked the corridors on my way to the Gryffindor common room. There was a chill in the air yet oddly I found it comforting. Halloween decorations covered the school grounds. Jack-o-lanterns were in all shapes and sizes and scattered here and there. Conjured bats, swarms of them actually, flew in the halls. Even the leaves on the tree were a toasty orange and brown color.

I smiled; I never realized how much I actually missed this place. And to think that I never wanted to come back, seemed absolutely rubbish to me. I however did find it odd that there was no one in sight. Where were they? Surely I thought there would be a few of my peers walking the halls, but there wasn’t anyone.

I rounded the corner and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a familiar red head. I quickly murmured an invisibility spell over myself so that I wouldn’t be seen.  It was Ron and he had his arm over Lavender Brown, I almost recoiled from the sight but instead my own personal rage exploded within me. This time I knew this anger that I had wasn’t irrational.

How could he walk around school with her? Was this why he wanted to break up with me? He wanted that completely insane slag instead of me? He was willing to throw away everything we had for her?

I could feel my body begin to burn and my hands begin to tingle with that familiar pain. Quickly however I forced myself to look away; I forced myself to calm down. I wouldn’t allow Ronald Weasley to control me like that. I was better than that, then her, and I would show him exactly what he was missing.

I then hurriedly walked towards my original destination and headed towards the common room, still invisible. I ignored the laughs that Ro- Weasley and Brown shared and snorted in disgust. I would make him regret what he did. My anger and fury now directed towards a new goal, a new purpose.

I spat out the password, letting myself be revealed. Hearing my tone of voice the Fat Lady swung the portrait door open and I stepped in. I looked around and caught sight of no one. However I didn’t mind because I knew that if anyone were to confront me now, I would explode.

I made my way to my old dorm room and quickly sorted through my trunk. Thanking my mum in my mind that she had forced me to bring all my new clothes and jewelry they got me. I smiled devilishly. I would make him want me.

I threw on black skin tight skinny jeans, a white tank with a cute design, and skinny black heels. I quickly did my hair, using my wand, in a way that seemed unlike me. but I wanted people to know, I wasn’t the same, and I wouldn’t ever be the same.

I was about to leave to head towards the Great Hall when a brilliant thought hit me. I grabbed my iPod, which being me, I was able to program it so that the magical bonds of the school and wizarding world wouldn’t affect it. I found an American song out of many that I took a liking to and headed once more in my original direction. Before stepping out of the common room I whispered the invisibility spell back on me and then continued on my way, I was going to get even.

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