chap 2- Three years

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A/n first before we start the chapter I just wanted to say sorry because it has been a year since I updated. But I also wanted to say thank you to sarvesta who got me back into writing this! Make sure to follow her cuz she's amazing just by the short conversation I had with her!!!

Usagi-Chan pov

It's been three years since the heart ache and it's still going down because I know he's Tuxedo Mask... and he knows I'm Sailor Moon. I moved out of my parents house just to get away from their questions if I found anybody else.

Luna checks on me everyday so does Artemis and Dianna and my friends .

What I wouldn't give to take back all my mistakes ! Why does this world hate me I can't get over him! I started to cry as I look at my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

"Disgusting wrench." I said as I punched it

"DANG IT" I yell looking at my bloody hand and started to care for it.

Mamarou pov.

Ok yes I admit I was a fool to let Usagi go because day by day I miss her affectionate ways... and the kindness she  brought towards me.

Everyday that I see her in battles she gets paler and... awful... and tired ... maybe I should check on her today? Will she hate me break down screaming and crying? Or will she engulf me in a hug?

Only one way to find out I walked up to her and her parents house and hesitantly knocked

Her mom answers

"Oh Mamarou what are you doing here?" She asked

"I-I " I sighed and said"I came to see Usagi"

"Oh well shes not here, she moved out two years ago" she says

"Ohh, well I'm sorry for the trouble..." I apologize and bow then left

Artemis walks to me

"Hey Artemis " I pet him

"Hey Mamarou what's up?" He purrs

"I tried to talk to usagi but she moved" I say sadly

"Oh why didn't you say so follow me" he starts to run off

"ARTEMIS WAIT UP" I yell and ran after him

30 minutes later we reached what I assumed was Usagi's new house

I knocked on the door and.....

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