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Mamarou pov

A crash was heard before the door opened to a tired, awful looking Usagi

"He-what do you want?" She spat

Ok she's angry at me...

"Usagi, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done what I did, I miss those days were you latch on my arm, and we'd sit on a bench eating ice cream... Sailor Moon... Usagi... I'm truly am sorry" I said

A long pause filled the air

"I....." she said softly before pausing again " Don't buy it" she spat again and slammed the door

My eyes were wide and I stood there

"Please Usagi I can't see you like this! You just got to say 'I forgive you' and we won't see each other again in our lives except in battles... I am sorry come on!" I say Artemis is beside me

No answer

"Me-ouch that's gotta be tough to deal with man" The white cat stated

"It is Artemis" I sigh and walked off

Usagi's pov

I can't believe he saw me after all these years, I was watching him leave through the blinds which always stayed shut, part of me wanted him to stay but the other didn't

I sigh

Maybe... NO I can't forgive him of what he did... yet why do I feel like I still love him?

All of a sudden I'm called in for a battle so I transform into Sailor Moon, whom everyone knows and loves, I rum out of my house to the scene joined by Sailor Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Pluto.

We laugh and Tuxedo Mask showed up but everything went by fast first I realized how I fell in love with him, second I caught my self thinking that I still loved him then I felt pain and I started to black out but not completely

I opened my eyes slightly to see everyone surrounding me

"Sailor Moon!" Tuxedo Mask yells

"M.....ask.." I coughed and stroke his face to feel tears and see red..

"Sailor Moon stay with me... please I love you" he says crying

"Love you..." I blacked out

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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