Chapter 33

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Your P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes. The first thing i see is a ceiling. A plain white ceiling with a brightly lit lamp making me squint my eyes a little. "Awake?" I hear and i turn my head to the right where the voice came from. The police officer who helped me get out of the chair. "Sir... where... am I..?" I say softly. Not having much energy to speak. "You're in the hospital. And please, call me Jonas." He says.

He brings his chair closer to my bed so that he could sit closer. "We wanted to bring you to the hospital too since you were injected with drugs. Turns out you already passed out in the car on the way here. You've been out for 2 days." he said. My eyes widened. Wait... what about Mark? "And... what happened to... him?" I ask.

"He still hasn't woken up." He says. "We tried calling your father but he's overseas and your mother..." his words started to trail off. "She said she didn't care... did she?" I say. He nodded awkwardly scratching the back of his head. Well not like I expected her to care. Even if she did she's the last person i'd want to see. "When can I be discharged?"

"Since you just woke up, the doctor says to let you stay here for one more day to monitor you." He says. "i will be back tomorrow, since you have... no relative available to take you home, i will stand in as a 'friend' to bring you home" he says smiling and stands up, bowing slightly before leaving the room. I didn't ask him if I could see mark, knowing he would tell me to lie down. I sigh. One more day. Get through it and i can see him.

The next day

"yes... yes... that will be all" the doctor says to Jonas. i assumed it was just advice on how to take care of my health from now on. i was sat on my bed with the clothes i wore on the way. they smelled like lavender, not anymore like the scent of drugs. the nurses must've washed them for me. i stand up slowly and walk over to the both of them. "Can I see him?" i asked. the doctor nodded, leading Jonas and I out of the room, to another. The doctor than leaves us and tends to his other patients. "I shall wait here, you can go in." Jonas says smiling as he opens the door for me. i nod my head a little as a small gesture of thanks.

I walk in and there Mark was. I walked over to him and looked around. There was a IV tube attached to his arm and a breathing tube attached to his nose. i sat down on the chair that was next to him and sighed. his face was almost as pale as paper. his hair was a mess. it pained my heart to see him like this. i then reached out and held his hand, holding it up to my lips and kissed it. "I hope you wake up soon Mark... I want to hear your voice again." i say softly. slowly, tears started forming around my eyeballs, and they fell down my cheeks. "god look at me... haha..." i say and caress your cheek. "wake up... who'll be there to wipe them away if you don't...?" 

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