Chapter 43

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Your P.O.V

"Long story short, I know that my father is insane. I played a charade and pretended to go along with all this and made up a story that you cheated on me. I basically had the police outside the door without my father or that other guy knowing. And well you two are safe now. I'm not going to bail him out of jail." Nathan said crossing his arms. "And... I made a promise didn't I?" He said smiling. "And I'm sorry for um... scaring you and touching you... It was an act, I hope you can forgive me."

I walked over to Nathan and hugged him. "As long as you keep your promise, I forgive you." I said smiling as tears fell from my eyes. I was so relieved and glad he didn't go back to the person he used to be. He hugged me back and patted my back. "Always." (Any harry potter nerds? :P)

"Did you finish rehab?" I ask when we pull away. "2 more weeks. They said i could leave 1 week earlier but i told them i wanted to be sure i was okay so i agreed to the 2 weeks." He said smiling. I ruffled his head smiling. "I'm proud of you." He chuckled and then fell silent for abit.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Uh... are you two...?" He said looking at Mark and me. Mark and I looked at each other. "I mean if you guys are i can keep a secret" Nathan said shrugging his shoulders. "Not a word. Or we're all dead." I say sternly in a joking matter. Nathan chuckled and put his hands up in a surrender sign "lips are sealed."

"Are you sure about letting him know?" Mark asked me. I nodded. "The fact that he just saved our lives is a good enough reason to believe him."

"Alright." He said and kissed my forehead. I blushed. In front of Nathan? Geez...

"*cough* w-well uh anyways we should uh... yknow get out of this hellhole." Nathan said walking towards the door. Mark and I looked at each other blushing and followed him out of the room. We walked out and i noticed we were in a foresty area. It didn't look like we were anywhere near Arcadia Bay. Nathan walked towards a Porshe Car nearby and unlocked it with the press of a car key. He walked towards the driver's seat and looked at us. "I'll drive us back to Mr Jefferson's house. Get in." Mark and I then got in the back seat, and held hands as Nathan drove.

Mark's P.O.V.

It soon began to rain and (Y/N) had drifted off to sleep, resting her head on my shoulder not letting go of my hand. I smiled and kissed her head. She must've been exhausted. Nothing but the sound of the droplets of rain hitting the car could be hears. I then figured i should find out some things that i wanted to ask but didn't get a chance to.

"So... Nathan, how do you know my address?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh Well my dad does have info on all Blackwell staff, i set my gps before the big commotion that happened back there." He said. "I never did say thank you so... Thank you Nathan. You really saved us back there."

"Anyone would. Don't worry about it Mr. Jefferson."

"If you don't mind me asking, why did the two of you break up and who wanted to?"

Nathan fell silent for abit. I knew i was going a tiny bit over the line asking such personal matter but i wanted to know the real story. I couldn't help myself.

"I broke up with her because i didn't want to hurt her anymore... I didn't want to see her cry again." he said pausing for abit before sighing. "She's an amazing person. She deserves the world and i would never have broken up with her. But i had to. Since you're dating her now... i humbly ask for you to take care of her for me." He said and i looked at him through the mirror at the front. His eyes were beginning to water and i saw a tear drop from his eye. I was abit suprised.

"Sorry, couldn't help it" he said stiffling a chuckle after that sentence, wiping away his tears.

He must have loved her very much. I never knew the rebellious Nathan Prescott even had feelings. Rude? Maybe. The way he treated the students of blackwell had me thinking that way. I've heard bad things about him from my own students. Some really bad things.

The rest of the journey we just talked about what Nathan wanted to be, his aspirations and dreams; well not suprisingly a photographer. The way he smiled and beamed as he talked about phitographers he liked and his passion, made me think i misunderstood him. Or maybe i didn't and he simply just... changed.

After about half an hour we had finally reached. I carried (Y/N), careful not to wake her and walked up to the doorstep. "I'll get the door" Nathan said and took out my house keys from his pocket. I raised an eyebrow wondering how it got there. "I took away your phone and everything that was in your pocket, as well as (Y/N)'s. I'll hand it over to you once we get in?" He said and i nodded. He opened the door for me and i walked in, him following behind me.

"I'll uh just leave your stuff on the coffee table" Nathan said. He placed down our things and walked over to the door.

"Nathan," i said and he turned around. "Thank you again, for everything."

He smiled and chuckled. "It's nothing really. I'll see you guys next monday when school starts again" he said and walked out, closing the door behind him. He's... well... nice i suppose.

I carried (Y/N) all the way to my bedroom and placed her on the bed gently. I sat down beside her and observed her face for awhile. I carressed her cheek and tucked her fringe behind her hair and suddenly i had a rush of mixed emotions. Happiness, sadness, guilt, everything. I unexpectedly felt a tear fall from my eye. Why am I...? I wiped away my tear and looked at her. At that moment  I was just lost in thought. She was so beautiful. Her very existence is a blessing to me. I leant down and hugged her, burying my face in her shoulder. I don't want to leave her again. Not now, not ever.

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