☆Chapter 2☆

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Chapter 2
Shizukas pov.

I woke up quite late that morning, kakashi was in charge of waking me up, but apparently he's known to be late at doing important things. I groaned unhappily as I glanced at my clock which glowed "7:53" I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be at school in seven minutes, but that's okay. I could care less, and besides, Yoru can transport me there faster then my teleportation jutsu.

While I was changing, I checked to make sure my necklace was still shimmering blue, which means that I'm healthy. Both emotionally and physically. The day it dims black, will be the day humanity dies. Which thankfully, is not today since I really needed to get to school.

After quickly mumbling a "good bye" to kakashi on my way out the door, I mentally asked Yoru to transport me. He happily obliged. In a whiff of sparkly black dust, my body shifted and my eyes closed. When they fluttered open, I was in front of the ninja academy. I thanked Yoru then took in a deep breath and stepped inside. The hallways were like mazes, I don't think I've ever been in an academy as confusing as this one. Finally, my feet stood in front of the classroom with its doors slid open and a bright orange blob tied to a post.

I knocked on the side of the wall, "hello sir?" I leaned on the side of the frame, already bored out of my mind when my gaze drifted to the board. Only to show the same exact things I've already learned about. Five times. I snapped out of my quick day dream when I felt twenty to forty eyes on me. When I looked up, I saw both genders completely love struck and some were even drooling. Of course, then there was naruto, some emo looking dude, some Nara clan kid, and the two hyugas which held no interest in me. Love wise anyway. (ONCE AGAIN REALIZED THAT NEJI ISNT IN THIS CLASS JUST BEAR WITH ME OK THANKS)

The man named Iruka held out his hand, "hello Shizuka!! Welcome!!" He gave me a warm smile which I brushed off. He turned around to the rest of the mindless Cupid hit zombies. "Class, please welcome your new classmate.Would you like to introduce yourself?" 

"Sure." I brightened up a bit to make them feel like I'm actually happy to be here, "My names Shizuka Ryuu. I prefer Ryuu if you don't mind. It's a pleasure to be here." I added a closed eyed smile to charm them a little more. Many squealed in delight while others just plainly fainted. I could see their souls float away with the help of one of the Sankyois eyes.

"Okay. Any questions for Ryuu?" Iruka asked, obviously fixing his mistake from last time. Many hands shot up while other questions were just blurted out. "Are you single? How old are you? What gender are you? Where did you get your necklace?" And more were shouted from their mouths, and I raised an eyebrow at their eagerness.

"Yea, I'm single. I'm twelve. Thats for you to find out. And my necklace?" I held it in the palm of my hands, "was a gift from my clan." Looking up, I saw curiosity lingering and amusement in their eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but was quickly shot down when naruto suddenly spouted out, "RYUU CHAN, HELP ME OUT OF THIS!!"

I chuckled at his situation. "I don't think I'm allowed to naruto kun."

"He's er, she's, er, um, Ryuus right! Because of you, the whole class will redo the transformation jutsu again!" Iruka stumbled on his words as the whole class groaned in agony. "You can cut him free now." He added before he went to go grab his clipboard.

My kunai sliced quickly and easily through the ropes just as an orange blur attacked me from the front. "THANKS RYUU CHAN!!" I poked his forehead, "release." Then he backs away with a glowing smile. Just as I was about to let his hair, a blur of pink and vanilla whisk past me and naruto is pushed out of the way. I narrowed my eyes only slightly.

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