☆chapter 8☆

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Chapter 8
Shizukas pov.

"Well. I'll see you all at the bridge." I waved them a goodbye then dove into the water.

A muffled voice called out from the dry land. Something border lining, "what are you doing? You'll drown to death!!"

But anyway, I performed some hand signs and summoned Mizu into the water. Then in a flash, a giant aqua serpent swam past me. Leaving me in an underwater whirlpool. My clothes and hair flapped around loosely while I attempted to get my mind to focus.

Once I did, my legs kicked into the deep blue sea, until a pair of bright white eyes meet mine. From his scent, I determined that he was my Dragon and not one that got loose from a dead clan member.

Explanation time, once a ryuu clan member dies, the dragon that was assigned to them by birth (for me it is Akuma) is then released back into the wild. Alive and healthy.

And the fact that he immediately wrapped his tail around me in an unusual hug helped too. "H-hey mizu " I managed to gurgle out as air bubbles escaped my mouth.

"Hi ryuu sama!! Where is it that I'm taking you?" He questioned while swimming around in circles like a hyper active puppy. You see, he's a water dragon, but in the seal, he's forced to be on dry land until we can find a way to give him his own aquarium or something.

I gave him a closed eyes smile while he places an air bubble around my head so I can breath, "wherever that floating piece of wood is going please Mizu." I pointed at the small shadow of a boat.

"Gotcha!" He smiled a toothy grin then swam below me and lifted me up on his back. "Hold on tight!" His fins flare up for me to grab. "Ready, set, SWIM!" And off we go.

My short hair flied behind me with my hoodie. The bubble somehow still stayed with me as Mizu swiftly glided his way around rocks and coral to catch up with the floating box like object.

When we finally caught up to my team, a giant riot soon started that was audible from underwater. Which was then followed by a quick shush. Me and mizus eyes switched to a glowing white as our senses heightened to hear what they were talking about.

"KAKASHI SENSEI, there is a huge shadow swimming right below us and quite frankly I'm very scared right now." Cherry yelled in a hushed whisper. I cackled like an evil genius at her wide and frantic eyes.

"Relax Sakura. I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about." He sounded certain but his heart rate said a different story.

"Hn" I bet you all know who said that so I won't waste my time saying his name.

"But Kakashi sensei!!!" Whiskers whined. He glanced down every other second as if we were gonna jump out and eat them or something...


"Hey Mizu." I tapped his shoulder.

"Yes ryuu sama?" He tilted his head up a bit to meet my gaze.

"How about we scare some kids?" My eyes glistened with mischief under the water. "Eh?" I nodded to the shadow.

He gave me mischievous smile as he surged upwards toward the boat. His tail whipped up and slapped the wood, causing the boat to rock and an out roar of fearful comments. I snickered as I lifted my hand out of the water, looking like someone was drowning.

My voice echoed from the sea, "help me~"

"AAAAAA-" the sound of sakuras shriek was silenced halfway most likely by Kakashi.  

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