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Well obviously I have enough questions to last me a while so I'll probably do a part two

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Well obviously I have enough questions to last me a while so I'll probably do a part two.

Asked by MythicalAnnie :
Fav book on Wattpad?
Soooooooooo far it has to be Louder by Hanisnotonfire07 (great author btw,go check her out and follow!)

What books of yours are you most proud of?
I'd have to say I'm most proud of The Abused YouTuber. I feel like it's super well done 👍🏼 (Please go check it out I've made so many references to it in my other books plus any theorizers could also make some theories on that!)

Only watch one YouTuber for the rest of your life,who is it?
...*breaks the system and rebels*

Fav Movie?
Ummmmmmmm does Dan and Phil's movie on YouTube Red count?

Who inspired you to write?
Tbh,writing was always in my soul I was just too lazy to do it till I came to Wattpad. And if I'm being honest,I'd have to say that you probably inspired me the most,Annie. After reading one of your books,I thought that fanfic might be fun so here I am.

Fav TV show?
Yeah,probably Steven Universe.

Deserted island with only 1 person stranded with you,who would you want it to be?
Ok so I'm just gonna cut out all the people in my life currently cause they would be no help so now it's left to the celebrities I look up to which is basically Mark,Jack,Felix,Rhett,and Link.
Ok I don't want to bring Felix,Rhett,or Link because I feel they wouldn't be much help and would be too busy emotionally helpless because of losing Marzia,Jessie,and Christy.
Now I'm gonna take...Mark. NOW DONT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS ITS NOT JUST BECAUSE HES MY FAV YOUTUBER AND I CRY OVER HIM ALMOST EVERY NIGHT,NOT THAT I ACTUALLY DO THAT! It's because he works out and may actually have some medical and survival expertise. He also hasn't been with Amy for a long time so most likely,he won't be crying and sobbing over her for months(if we even survive that long).

Both Markiplier videos even though they're silly they match the situation almost perfectly👍🏼

Okay well I'll leave the second set of questions from TaylaPlays for a second part! It might come out tomorrow or today depending on how it goes.

Enjoy your life,dont do anything bad,and keep surfing the interwebs!
(Think that's my new outro for chapters)

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