Chapter 26

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It was about 8 A.M the following day. Levy, Lacy, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Juvia, Bisca, and Asuka we all standing in the train station. Lucy, who made the travel plans, decided to gather some of the girls up for travel companions. Not to mention the station had group discounts. Their destination was in a small town not too far from Magnolia, about 2 hour train ride from their current location.

"Mommy! Mommy! Are we gonna ride the chu chu today!?" Little Lacy was bouncing around excitedly in her jean jacket top and white skirt dotted with pink hearts. Her hair was pulled into short pigtails, and she was overflowing with energy.

"Mommy said we are going to the beach!" Asuka chipped in playing with the hem of her own cowboy hat.

"That's right girls." Bisca said with a smile patting her daughter on the head.

"No school for a long time!" Lacy cheered and Asuka giggled happily.

"No, your mommies are going to teach you while we are away." Wendy started up being overly optimistic and cheerful as ususal. "Learning can be fun!" Both of the young girls pouted for a bit, not liking what the youngest mage in the group had said.

"Big sister is wrong!" Lacy stated puffing her cheeks.

"Yeah, we gonna swim!" Asuka added in, determined to prove the sky dragon slayer wrong.

"Now girls, Wendy is right." Levy reached down and picked up her daughter. "Just because we are having fun away from home doesn't mean we wont learn things."

"I don't wanna! I wanna use magic like mommy and daddy when i'm older." Lacy pouted and Asuka nodded in agreement.

"Your mommies went to school." Lucy added in. "You need to LEARN magic to use it right? What better place to learn than a school?"

"We not learning magic in school." Asuka said looking up at Lucy.

"You two will learn magic someday, right now your too young." Levy kissed her daughters cheeks. Lacy then started frantically rubbing her cheek with the back of her hand, as if Levy had infected her with germs. The small group couldn't help but chuckle.

After a bit of small talk the train arrived. And the ladies boarded. Levy, Lucy, and Bisca sat on one side in a small compartment, while Wendy, Carla, Juvia, Lacy, and Bisca sat on the other facing them.

"So is Alzack going to the beach too? I thought for sure he was going to come with us." Levy asked the older woman sitting next to her.

"Of course he is comin. I guess the some of the guys wanted to take a magical vehicle instead. He is going with them." Bisca leaned back in her seat. "Besides its nice to have some girl time." A smirk popped up on the woman's face that reminded Levy of Mira's smirk.

"Okay...So what about Natsu and Grey? Natsu can't take a train right?" Levy asked trying to not focus on Bisca's smirk.

"Nah, He went earlier with Mira and Erza. This way he wouldn't be sick by the time everyone got there." Lucy chirped in, her teammates could be quite a handful. "As for Grey I think he is going with a group a little later in the day, I think he wanted to sleep in."

"Love rival!" Juvia said staring daggers at the blonde sitting across from her. The small group sweet dropped.

"What about Jet and Droy? I am sure they wanted to travel with you Levy." Lucy added in trying to avoid the oldest bluenettes glare.

"They didn't tell me how they were getting here." Levy smiled, she didn't have any time to talk to the rest of Team Shadow Gear the night before. "But i'm not worried, I know they can handle it by themselves."

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