Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Shane’s POV 

“Collins! Anderson! Boss needs to see you!”

Nolan and I exchanged confused looks, about to ask the kid what the hell boss wanted when he dashed off like he was torpedoed in the ass. That’s the thing with new recruits, they’re always scared out of their pants for the first couple of months. I admit, getting used to working for an intimidating guy like Braxton took some time to get used to, but that kid looked more freaked then walking in on his mother having sex. Something Nolan and I had greatly experienced with his mom back when his dad was alive. 

Grumbling, I stood up at the same time as Nolan, annoyed that our good half hour of just relaxing after freezing our asses off in the blistering cold was coming to a halt. Boss had ordered Nolan and I and a couple other young recruits to vandalize a new building opening up later on today with our gang symbol. The whole job had been boring, not to mention time consuming when I could've spent time doing more important things.

Like sleeping for example.

I pushed my annoyed thoughts about the pointless job away, just thanking that the order had been completed. Now I wasn’t too upset, but instead I was really curious what boss wanted. When Boss wanted to see Nolan and I, it was either really important or something stupid. Like the last time we got called down there was because he’d caught Nolan and I stealing some of his weed in his storage. 

That man was very protective of his weed, let me tell you that.

Our Boss went completely berserk and nearly took our eyes out with all the shit he kept throwing. The item he picked up would always be larger then the next. It’s a good thing that man isn’t as strong as he looks otherwise I’m sure his desk would have been thrown last.

We didn’t say anything as we traveled down the dirty, dim lit hallway to the far side of the warehouse. The place had been owned by RTK, or more specifically the actual name of our gang since the 1960’s. You, as a fellow member had to take pride in that. I mean, you’re part of a pretty badass group if you've never managed to have your place destroyed by rival gangers for nearly 50 years.

Braxton had been in charge for the last ten years, since his dad had handed the ownership title down to him. He was in his early thirties, still pretty young to be running everything, but he managed extremely well. Braxton as a boss though, well, he was intimidating as hell. I mean, the guy made a new recruit piss his pants after yelling at him for fucking up an order. I wouldn't really even consider it yelling, just more like a stare that was so intense, you didn't have a doubt in your mind that the guy was mentally murdering you. 

He was a very intimidating guy, I'll give him that. But it was also something I'd grown completely used to since I'd been around it so much. Braxton was nearly seven foot tall, with killer tattoos covering a good majority of his skin. He looked like one of those huge biker guys that rode motorcycles and usually looked like they could beat the piss out of you for so much as looking at them wrong. 

Well yeah, that’s Braxton for you.

I guess you could say Braxton liked Nolan and I overall. We were like the annoying little brothers he never had. Even if Nolan and I did like to ring his bell every once and again, we never pushed him too far like other idiots in this building. Trust me, you do not want to see Braxton’s angry side.

I was the type of person Braxton would come to if something was dangerous, because I’ve always had that adrenaline side that I liked to push sometimes. Which meant, Braxton would usually put me up to do basically anything for him because he knew what I liked and knew I would do it. I remember when he had found me at age fourteen trying to tell people that I was abandoned by my parents and had to eat mice so I wouldn’t starve and that I had to sleep in a trash can every night to stay warm.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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