Its all a lie

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{Natsu's POV}

Your probably wondering what happened last Sunday. We all brushed off Juvia's weird behavior and got on with our lives. Ever since then she has been very shy and quiet. As for me, life has been pretty average lately, my grades are getting worse and my social life, the same. I'm sitting in my warm bed on a Saturday night contemplating my life decisions while all other teens are partying and having fun. It's quite sad if you think about it. This coming Monday is really haunting me because I have soccer tryouts, I'm really scared. The thing that terrifies me the most is not my lack of skill, I'm pretty good actually, but it's that Gray is also trying out and Lucy will be there to cheer him on. All I can do now is go to sleep and sit through another terrible Sunday. Sweet dreams Lucy, wherever you are.

{Lucy's POV}

I'm currently at Mira's "new house party" which is huge and extravagant. I'm looking through hundreds of people to find Gray, wouldn't be surprised if he was with another girl. "Lucy! Come party!" I heard Cana say over the loud music blasting in my ears as she grabbed my hand. Before I knew it I was in front of these people taking shots of god knows what. "Hey girly, want a drink?" The creepy bartender asked me. "No, I'm fine" I said reassuring him. "Suit yourself" he said as he went to serve the other guests. You know, parties aren't as fun as you would think, sure there is that one rare party that is totally awesome, but all the rest are pretty boring. Sometimes I wish I wasn't expected to come to these lame places, with these lame people. "There you are!" I heard Gray yell from across the room. I pushed through the crowd of people and finally made it to him. "Get into any trouble?" He asked me. "No, where were you?" I questioned. "Just with some guys, why?" He asked again. "I'm your girlfriend, I like to know if you're cheating on me!" I yelled at him. "Woah calm down, I would never!" He said as he pulled me into his chest. I snuggled closer, almost falling asleep. "Can we go now?" I asked him. "Sure" he said with a smile. We left and he drove me home. What a complete waste of a Saturday.

{Erza's POV}

"Oscillation, o-s-c-i-l-l-a-t-i-o-n, oscillation" I stated confidently as the crowd clapped in honor of my, yet again, win. Another easy spelling bee. Why did it have to be today, when I could have gone to Mira's party. My parents expect way to much from me. "Good job hun!" My mom said as she took my trophy and pictured where it would go on my shelf. "Why do I have to do these things?" I asked my parents. "Because your our little genius, you gotta put yourself out there, share your knowledge!" My dad said proudly. "Can we just go home?" I asked as I slumped my shoulders. "Not until you fix that posture" my mom stated.

The car ride home was pretty annoying. "You know, with these grades you can definitely get a scholarship to a fancy university!" My mom said excitedly. "Oooh, Harvard!" My dad joined in. Truth be told I didn't want to go to university at all, just something I'm expected to do. "Yeah yeah whatever" I said lazily. We parked in our garage and I slowly made it to my bedroom. I shut the door behind me and fell onto my bed. I was about to fall asleep when I got a Facebook notification. "Nice win!" It said, from Lucy. I was too lazy to respond and I fell asleep right there.

{Juvia's POV}

You know, sometimes being alone is great! I've got snacks, Netflix, and comfy blankets, who needs a boyfriend! Besides, you would have to put effort into your relationship, why bother. Actually, why am I even thinking about this? I turned on "The call", one of my favorite movies, and stuffed my face with Pringles. Luckily, I'm at my dads right now, he's a lot nicer than my mom, so I can get some quality movie time in.

Two more movies later I decided to check out my Instagram. I was scrolling through mainly spam until this one post caught my eye, it was from Lucy's account. It was a picture of her and Gray kissing with a caption, "who needs all these other lame guys when I have Gray?." You know sometimes she really gets on my nerves, with her petty talk. All of a sudden I got a dm notification. I clicked the mail box icon in the corner of my screen revealing a message from an unknown user.

You and your little group are a joke. We don't like you it's all a damn act so that you think we're actually friends. You tell anyone about this message and I'll text out the whole school this photo....
*link to a photograph*

I hesitantly clicked the link, it was a photo of me.... a very embarrassing one, if you get what I'm saying. I don't know how they got this but I just don't have any words. How could we have trusted them, who ever this is I'm going to find out... no matter what. I slowly shut my laptop and laid down on my bed, as tears fell down my face.

{Gray's POV}

"Morning" I said lazily as I walked through my kitchen. "You up for waffles?" My mom asked. "Sure" I replied.

After breakfast I headed over to the academy. As I entered the doors, Lucy greeted me with a hug. "Hey babe" she said. "Hi" I replied tiredly.

I sat through 3 hours of classes and finally lunch rolled around. I spotted Juvia sitting at her usual table. Ever since Sunday I've been avoiding her, if she won't tell me the truth then why bother. That's not the only reason, I did something terrible this weekend, something I regret. I stopped my thoughts when I noticed Juvia staring at me blankly. I walked over to her table and sat down. "What do you want?" She asked me. "I uh, wanted to see how you were doing" I stated. She replied with a simple glare. "Are you going to speak?" I asked. She slammed her drink down onto the table and stormed off. "W-wait!" I yelled.

Hahaha, upppddateee!
So I forgot to post last Tuesday, and I know it's late but, here is the post for this Tuesday. Remember I'll be posting weekly for this story. Anyway, until next time..... -peace✔️

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