A mistake

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{Lucy's pov}

I stared down at my phone trying to think of why they didn't invite me. And her....Juvia. Why is his arm around her. I continued to stare at the photo Levy posted of their sleepover. I sighed while grabbing my backpack and heading to the bus stop. I then received a call. "Hello?" I asked the unknown caller. "Didn't I tell you that you'd regret braking up with him?" They said in a creepy voice. "Who is this?!" I yelled. Then they hung up. "Fuck" I said under my breathe.


I walked into school as everyone stared at me. What's going on? I continued walking as people gave glares and laughed. I made it to class where I saw a furious Juvia. "You think this is funny?!" She yelled at me. "Wha-" I was speechless. What happened? The others were behind her with sympathetic looks. "I don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled back. "That's funny, Lucy. But you can't play your way out of this one" she said while showing me her phone. It was a photo I had posted on my account of an odd picture of Juvia. The caption said "look at this slut...thinks she's actually pretty" "I didn't post that!" I screamed at her. "Then who the fuck did?" She asked. "I- it wasn't me!" I started again. "Listen I know you hate me and all but come on stop being such a fucking child. I don't care if you lost your popular fucking boyfriend or your reputation but don't take it out on me" she insulted. "I swear Juvia I would never do this!" I defended. "I mean of all insults you could have called me, it
was slut...but last time I checked the amount of guys I've fucked wasn't equal to the money in my wallet" she said while pointing at me. I couldn't take it anymore, screw this. "Fuck you Juvia! I didn't do anything! And the fact that your trying to prove so hard to the others that your actually a cool person is hilarious. Why don't you and your friends go back to being anti social losers with no life" I yelled getting angry. I saw Gray walk into the class room. He noticed the odd vibes. "What's happening?" He asked us. I turned back to Juvia. "Well there he is now, why don't you tell him what's going on....or are you scared that he'll hate you even more" Juvia told me. "What are you talking about Juvia?" He asked her. "She thinks I posted this photo of her, but it wasn't me!" I protested. "I'm sure it wasn't, guys can you please stop fighting!" Natsu asked. Gray looked at the picture and furrowed his eye brows. "Lucy....why would you...do this?" He asked. "And there we go again, for the last time I didn't fucking post that!" I yelled. "Juvia calm down and hear her out" Erza said. "Fuck you guys" Juvia said while walking out of the classroom. "Who knew my own friends would turn on me for you, looks like you got what you wanted" she added while exiting. "It's not like that!" Jellal yelled while running after her. "Gajeel....what have we done?" I heard Natsu ask him. "Fuck!" Gray yelled while covering his face. "You don't believe me?" I asked them. "Lucy...maybe it's best that you apologize to her" Levy stated. "But I didn't do it....I bet it was X!" I yelled.


{Juvia's pov}

I'll never have real friends. They'll just ditch me for the next popular girl that comes around. I felt someone grab my shoulder. "Juvia...are you ok?" Jellal asked. "No" I said flatly. Tears started falling as I hugged him. "Thank you" I whispered. "I mean you gotta admit those insults were pretty good" he told me as we both laughed. "Can we ditch today?" I asked him. "Well....sure why not" he said. We left the school and we both went to the playground. "Want a smoke?" I asked while pulling one out of my bag. "Is it pot?" He asked. "You bet" I answered while lighting the end. We sat on the swings shifting back and forth. I inhaled and then passed it to him. We sat there for awhile just looking at the sky. "You know when I was younger I would swing on these with my eyes closed" he stated. Then we both started swinging higher and higher with our eyes shut. "Holy shit! This is scary!" I yelled while laughing. "Juvia?" I heard a voice call. I opened my eyes to see a bewildered Gray. "Huh? What?" I asked slightly high. "Why are you smoking while swinging with your eyes closed?" He asked. "It's fun" Jellal stated. "Yeah. You know Jellal...you've always had my back...thanks" I said. I got off the swing and fell to the ground. "Woah!" Gray said as he helped me up. "Sorry, I'm always such a burden...shame" I stated while walking away. "What are talking about. Come on I'll take you home" Gray stated while picking me up. Jellal tagged along as he drove us home. When us three reached my house I went to the couch and fell asleep.

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