Part 4: Absurd ideas

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One day when Elizabeth, Ru Han, Jennifer and Hui Xuan were relaxing together after the half term exams, Jennifer being the most 'gossipy' girl as Hui Xuan refers as decided to make things interesting by playing Truth or Dare.

The bottle fell on Elizabeth on the first try. She said truth without any hesitation. Hui Xuan seemed to have a cheeky glint in her eyes or was it evil? She discussed with the others about her question in whispers. After the discussion everyone seemed to have the same glint in their eyes. Elizabeth started to get slightly nervous now... Hui Xuan evilly said her killer question, " Do you have a crush on someone?" Elizabeth snickered! " Huh? This is your killer question ah? So easy! I don't like anybody and YOU know that!" Hui Xuan muttered something under her breath which sounded something like " Thought I could catch her off guard."

Elizabeth having keen ears picked up her muttering and enquired "Catch me off guard from what?" Hui Xuan turned crimson red. She replied " Well, Liz, you know... how you and Christopher are perfect for each other.... Elizabeth cut her off. " First thing, we are NOT perfect for each other ,Hx. Secondly, I DON'T LIKE HIM!!!!" she yelled. Hui Xuan was getting more fidgety by the second. Ru Han stepped in. " Liz chillax lah! Don't stress can or not!" Elizabeth eyes which were filled with annoyance instantly turned softer.

She apologized for yelling but still softly and strongly told Hui Xuan not to mention it ever again. Hui Xuan decided to finish off her sentence saying " Ok lah. But it's not just me some other people also think so. And come on quite a few girls have crushes on him! When Elizabeth heard that she got a bit hot and felt slightly angry. She didn't know why but didn't think about it.

Christopher was facing the same problem. His friends wouldn't stop teasing him relentlessly on Elizabeth. For some reason his cheeks would turn red and hot when her name was mentioned. Every time anyone brought up that subject he would stubbornly point out he did not like her and that was final.

But Aaron definitely thought it was true. Christopher might not realize it yet but Aaron thought the dear hero had definitely gotten struck by Cupid's arrow. Aaron decided they should get the both of them together. He discussed this with Ru Han, Hui Xuan ,Jaden,Jennifer. All of them chorused "YES!!!!!" The got their brain gears working. Reasonably, all of them have watched multiple romance movies. At least one of the techniques from the movies should work in real life.

After more than 2 hours of thought, idea jotting and paper wads, the group came to a final decision of few ideas to try out. Deciding Idea A of Mission Matchmaker would take place tomorrow, they went separate ways.

They discussed their idea once more. Current plan was when Elizabeth was cycling home. They would knock Christopher down. Hopefully he doesn't die and just has a few minor injuries. Elizabeth can carry him home and they bond. That would be step 1! Aaron the 'Love guru' thought through the ways to eliminate all the extra possibilities. Finally their small idea seemed like a big plan.

(Hiyo guys! Finally 4th part. I've been pretty caught up with school and drawing so didn't leave time for writing as much. They are slightly small chapters. Yes I get that. I'll try making it it more chunkier...)

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