2 (noah)

24 1 0

Well fuck.  It was going to be impossible to get the blood stains out of a white carpet.
Oh. I probably sound like a murderer. Well, let me tell you something. I am.
You're probably freaking out now. Any normal person would be. But, you see, I'm not a normal person. I don't feel. I guess I would be considered a psychopath, someone who should be locked up, someone who is disabled. But, I don't see this as a disability. I see it as an advantage.
What I mean is, I have no conscious. It doesn't matter to me who lives or who dies, and I have no problem using that in my favor.
When the girl I just killed screamed for help, oh no, I didn't have a single thought of the ethics of the situation. Any other person would have questioned their sanity, but me? I felt even more sane.
When the life left her eyes, I was in control. Not her. Me. You know what my only regret is?
I didn't know her name.

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