The Fear of Love

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Life is but a journey
And love the beautiful accompaniment
That one heart should yearn for
For beautiful things come
From beautiful relations
Even as two ugly souls shall meet
Their beautiful company of each other
Shines with beauty like no other

But if the company in life is not of symmetry
Oh my what a shame
And that poor heart be tarnished and wounded
For if the push and pull are not in balance
One shall pass on
The other left behind
Theirs was not a company of beauty
And it shines with tears unlike others

Life in the lonesome can be spent
For those unable to symmetrically love
And receive it
For no pain can come
From no relations
Even as the singular being drifts along in their journey
They shine neither with beauty, nor with tears
But of their self

But I who have been left behind
Oh not once, but twice
Can still feel the pain in my wounds
And still can recall the glistening of my sorrows
One has forgotten
While the other's love will never surmount mine
But I have not forgotten
And perhaps will never surmount
The Fear of Love

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