Chapter 29: Weasleys

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QUINN COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT her feelings. There were feelings she was trying so hard to suppress. It was almost like every time she told herself that she shouldn't be thinking about him, there he was. He plagued her mind every single day, and she was afraid that one day, she'd snap and leap into his arms. And she was terrified.

Just weeks ago, she hated him. Hated even the thought of him. James Sirius Potter, of course. He had manipulated her, tried to mess with her feelings and then basically thrown all of her trust back at her, as if it meant nothing.

And then there were her grades. She couldn't stop worrying about them either. Stressing over them, obsessing over them. And she was doing badly in Potions. It wasn't even because of James and his talent for ruining all of their potions. All of a sudden, things just didn't make any sense to her anymore. Words jumbled together, and they made Quinn feel like she was going to fall apart at any moment.

Somehow, James noticed her change in attitude. During Defense Against the Dark Arts, Quinn's best subject, he found her furiously flipping through their textbook with her brows furrowed together in a mixture of confusion and concentration. She looked cute, but that didn't matter. Because Quinn looked like she could really use help. And some sleep.

Since James's grades had improved by a lot, he didn't need to be tutored anymore. This meant that Quinn and James didn't speak much anymore, and that James could go home and make his father proud.

At the library at lunchtime, James had quietly followed Quinn to the library. She hadn't even gone to the Great Hall for lunch yet, and he hoped she wasn't skipping meals regularly. As he went after her, he saw Quinn rifling through her bag, trying to find something as her curly hair acted as a curtain, making the search more difficult for her.

"Oh thank Merlin." James heard her mutter and she pulled out a small notebook with plenty of things scribbled down on it. As she entered the library, Quinn paused, searching around the room for something, or someone. And soon, she smiled as she found him.

It was Fred.

This shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone, as Fred and Quinn had spent weeks together by then, constantly laughing as they strolled through the halls and attending the first Hogsmeade trip together. The two of them got along well, with a similar sense of humour and a love of books she had only ever shared with Lily or Rose.

Of course Aaron and Fred clicked instantly too. Quinn had introduced them as soon as possible, and was ecstatic when they immediately started talking as if they had known each other for years. Luckily, Aaron and Fred didn't care for house prejudice, so there was no need to worry about that.

"Good afternoon." Quinn greeted Fred, sliding into the seat next to him with a beam on her face.

Fred smiled back, before realising the time. "You've skipped lunch." He said.

"So have you." Quinn bit back, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I just had a free period and had my lunch early." Fred corrected, which made Quinn sigh.

"I'm not hungry," she admitted, resting her elbow on the table so she could lean her head against the palm of her hand. "Homework has got me swamped. Apparently, it's possible to fail a test!" Quinn said exhasperatedly, throwing both of her hands forward for emphasis.

"Oh, it's possible." Fred grinned. "I just didn't think it was an option for Quinn Taylor." He added smoothly, which made Quinn sigh.

"Me neither," Quinn muttered, tucking a strand of straightened hair behind her ear. "How are you surviving seventh year?" she asked the older boy next to her, getting ready to hear his secret.

"Surviving?" Fred echoed Quinn's words, raising an eyebrow. "Quinn, this isn't a war that we're trying to survive; it's school." He reminded her. "And I really need you to understand that." His tone softened significantly at his next words. "You're here because you're naturally talented. But it was you that got yourself eleven OWLs."

Quinn smiled, and Fred reached across the table to take Quinn's in his hand. "You're going to be fine. As long as you give your body enough nutrition and care for it properly." He added; making sure Quinn knew that he wasn't all right with her skipping her meals. "Especially lunch. You haven't eaten since eight o'clock and your body needs to refuel." Lightly, Fred tapping Quinn's forehead. "That incredible brain of yours needs some way to power itself."

Quinn laughed, nodding. "Thanks Freddie." She said happily, reaching over and hugging him. The two were about to get back to their homework, when Quinn spotted something in the corner of her eye. It was Sofia, Fred's ex-girlfriend. She never did find out what she said to Fred the other night... "Fred," Quinn began carefully when she saw Sofia smile and lean over to kiss the boy she was speaking to. "What happened with you and Sofia?"

Fred froze, clearly not expecting the question. "What do you mean?" he asked carefully, but he didn't seem to sound hesitant.

"Well, the other night you spoke." Quinn elaborated. "I was just wondering if it worked out if you decided to see other people..." she trailed off.

"We decided to see other people a while ago." Fred said flatly, before realizing his tone. "Sorry," he sighed. "I just don't really like talking about it. Basically, Sofia and I talked a little bit and we decided that we worked better as friends. I mean, we love each other, but sometimes that isn't enough." Fred explained to Quinn, almost like he was speaking to a young child.

"Why do you do that?" Quinn inquired. "Speak in a patronising tone. I'm not five, I understand human nature and emotion." She informed Fred, who nodded.

"I know," he assured her. "It's just... difficult for you to understand."

Quinn wanted to roll her eyes and tell Fred all about the things that James Sirius Potter did to her in her fifth year. But she decided against both of the two and just nodded instead, gathering her things again. "I'm going to the Great Hall." Quinn stated. "Hopefully I'll be able to understand the lunch menu." She added sarcastically, and twirled around to walk out of the library, muttering "Weasleys." To herself.

As a result, Quinn didn't go to the Great Hall, but out into the courtyard to finish her homework alone.

A Change of Heart [James Potter II] (on hold, to be edited)Where stories live. Discover now