Chapter 1

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The chilled air froze my cheeks over, making my lips chipped with dry and cold. My ears tucked into my scarf and hair blowing gently with the wind. My feet ice from the standing on the snowy cliffs edge but it was a source of relaxation and calming.

It had been a week before the transformation and it has hit me hard, my throat in a constant state of burning and the emotions I feel are much more advanced that I could of imagination. Its like my whole world and self, is in 3D, like its clear as sun rise and sun set.

I changed my name, I didnt want my old name to be with me after the horrors I witnessed as a human. Victoria... No, I changed it to Hannah. Hannah was apparently the name my grandmother had so, I changed it to that. Sweet isn't it?

A tiny crackle in the snow and I instantly turned around to see him there. Standing there. Jungkook. He looked handsome as he always did and stood with his hands in front of him, shining a small smile.

"easy tiger" he said to me and I lightly laughed at him, he lowered his hands and walked over to me wrapping his strong hands around me hugging me from the back.i held him there and admired the nature in front of us.

We were silent for a short time when I felt his lips kiss my head which made me sink into him. Letting out a sigh I turn my body to face him, after a moment of eye contact our lips connected without a single hesitation. Puzzle pieces together and moving in motion, I loved things like this, the nature and beauty around us seemed nothing but blurred vision.

When suddenly, I could feel a heart beat race with fear, blood pumping through with force and pressure that it was almost mocking me. I pulled away from him and could smell the rich flavored liquid, contaminated my nose. Jungkook sensed this too, but with his worried expression our intentions were not the same.

"victor- i mean Hannah, stop wait-" but he didnt finish his sentence as the urge was to strong to fight or stop. Faster than light, I was upon the helpless creature, this creature was a lonely human. He must of been homeless as the stench and appearance clear indicating this correct.

I clung to a near by tree and watched as the drunken old man stumbled over leaves and broken branches, taking gulps of the cheap whiskey in his hand. I listened to not just his incoherent words but his heart, it was going rapidly and it was teasing me with every beat.

I dropped down and stalked him slowly making sure my prey was not frightened. As he stopped noticing his final drink gone, he turned just as I was behind him. My fangs instantly slid out and revealed themselves but before the man could even breath, I lunged forward grabbing him, sinking my sharp fangs into him drinking every last drop of blood.

Not a sound or word was heard. It was a clean kill and one that I demolished. I didnt like this life I live, its all very well being a predator but really, its unbearable, I can't fight my urges. And because of my weakness I kill innocence's.

As his body dropped down onto the ice cold snow, I fell to my knees. Realization hit me. I killed someone. Again.

I buried my head in my hands, ashamed for a crime I committed, it was horrible, I hated it. Tears left my red eyes and made my hands wet, my long brown hair covered my face, hiding myself.

"it's tough but it will get easier I promise" his soft voice said as he kneeled with me, cradling me in his arms. Of course, jungkook felt my pain. He himself has been through this, and I can't thank him enough for being here with me. Its all I can ask of him after everything that's happened.

"another one bites the dust ay Hannah?" a voice calls behind us. As we stood up and turned we noticed the boys. I faintly smiled and wiped my tears with my sleeve.

"couldn't help it" I chuckled softly, Jimin came over and patted my shoulder.

"I wouldn't worry yourself Hannah, that guy had no family or job. So he's forgotten to that world." he smiled waving his hand in direction of the city not far from here.

"don't worry Hannah, you'll get the hang of it soon" Jin smiled at me. The boys nodded and we all turned and ran back to the lodge.

The lodge was like a holiday home, although we built it so people don't come here otherwise we would be dead because of me. It was a pleasant and snug place to live, varnished wooden built, lovely stone fireplace, old-fashioned windows, kitchen big enough and out rooms we just how we wanted them to be.

As we entered laughing and smiling, I still kept near Jungkook, I mean, I have killed people before, but that doesn't mean its easier. I was rather tired, I felt rather down and just De energized. So I said goodnight to the boys and headed to bed.

Taking my layered clothes off I slipped into my PJs and crawled under the sheets and slowly found myself drifting away.

Complete darkness my whole body numb like its almost nailed to the wall. I can't move. Whole body paralyzed, frozen stiff and I can't even see what's going on.

Until a small light comes up and rushed muffling can be heard from it, as it got closer I could see everything, the noises had stopped and eerily silence followed it. I could see me. I was lying on a stone cold dead metal bed. Dead.

With nothing but a white sheet as cover over my body, my eyes shut and my face pale as anything. As the light got closer, I was almost looking over me. Birdseye view.



Then scream!

But this wasn't my scream it was kidas, I screamed as I felt my painful memories hit me. Numbness was gripping me tight. I couldn't move but my eyes were cloudily with tears. Then the vision changed, it was still me only... If was kida... I was...

I was drinking kida...

I looked sinister, unnatural, I wanted to turn away but it was no use, I couldn't, streams poured out of my eyes. Noised of mourning escaped my lips as I screamed with pain almost begging it to stop.

Then suddenly...

"you need to learn to control Hannah... Otherwise... Things will happen... Terrible terrible things..." myself said as it stared at me, blood dripping out of my mouth (see picture for visual).

"I will..."

"oh. But you can't. Your weak. Your weak!!!"

Her voice became a echo as I was shook awake by Jungkook his eyes screamed worry and I flung myself at him. I hugged him and sobbed. That felt so real. Kida. I don't understand.

But I'm going to have to control myself otherwise... Something will happen... I have to control...

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