The fake

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I woke up in victors room but victor wasn't there I got up and got dressed and went downstairs to see he was watching the news
"Hi victor"
Victor turned his head towards me and got up
"Ready to go ice skating"
"Already I haven't even eat breakfast"
He handed me a piece of toast and opened the door
"Let's go!"
I've always wondered how he was so energetic and cheerful just some of the things I live about you victor

We got to the rink and I started juts gliding along the ice for a warmup but I couldn't stop thinking about victor I didn't even notice home go

"Erm sorry just went for some fresh air haha"
That's weird he doesn't sound like victor
"What's up with your voice"
"I've.....Got a cold! Yeah"
"Ok than"
Victor skated over to me and grabbed my waist he was about to pull me in for a kiss but than I realised
I pushed him away  so he was on the floor now, I took my skated of and ran to the changing rooms and saw victor tied up, I untied him a
"How did you find me and how did you know it was him"
"*blush* y-you saw that"
"S-see w-well erm it's a secret yeah haha"
"Yuri? Would you of pushed me away?"
"N-no I MEAN y-yeas I mean n-no I mean y-y-yes!"
Victor came up to me and did the same thing as what Christophe did to me
He was gradually getting closer and closer and closer until we were kissing, I loved every second of it,we pulled away for air
"So how did you know it wasn't me"
"*sighs* b-because I-I wasn't blushing a-be I c-couldn't g-get l-lost in his eyes I-I j-just know"
Victor kissed me again but this time it was more passionate he pulled away and said
"I love you Yuri"
"I-I l-love you too"


??? POV

Than everything went black

Thanks for reading sorry it was so crappy but I'm really tired 😊😴
Hope you enjoyed it byeeeee

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