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I went out after I heard Carolina call my name. It turns out that theta was ready for me and wanted to meet me. "Hey Epsilon where is Carolina?" I asked. " She thought that you should meet him on your own," said Epsilon. "Oh okay where is he?" "Well you need to patient and he needs to be able to trust you" said Epsilon. " I will try my best, but I am ready for him I will be a trustworthy person." I promised. I was in with theta for what seemed like forever. He finally was mine and I was going to do my best to protect him. I was walked outside red base and walked over to blue base (they still have separate bsses). When I got there I heard a voice  that sent chills down my spine. It was locus and him and Carolina were talking. I walked in and stood behind Carolina like she taught me to but kept quite. Locus saw me and asked if I was the one from earth. "Yes she, Idaho, and Nevada are from Earth." She said. "Idaho he was the one I shot," he asked. "Yea," said Chara as Idaho walked in. "Calm down Chara." Said Idaho. "Idaho I will try," said Chara. I said nothing and Locus noticed. "And you are," he asked. "South go ahead and talk to him I'm fine he hit my mechanic arm," said Idaho. I just stood there half because I was still ajusting to theta and also because I wasn't going to answer him. " You better get used to him being here cause he is staying we need a sniper. No Tucker you don't get the sniper. Well let's do this we need to track down this guy named Siris. He is from locus's past and so this is gonna be a difficult mission. I know we can do it though," she said. " South you have theta right?," asked Carolina. I nodded. Then you have that vision right," she continued to get me to speak. I nodded again not wanting him to know the sound of my voice. I also made a mental note to keep my helmet on around him and armour when I slept. " he is gonna have to stay at red base with you cause we are out of room here. Make sure sarge doesn't try to kill him and ..." tried Carolina. "I can handle myself I will stay at red base but that is all you don't own me I will do what I want otherwise," said Locus.

The New Team (RED VS BLUE) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now