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I had no clue where I was. Theta was gone and I didn't like that. He must of been sent to the closest agent. I couldn't use my hud in my helmet because of the cracks in the visor. I just took my helmet off."Finally awake. Man it was boring until you woke up," said a voice in the darkness. I tried to put my helmet back on but two guys took it from me and tied my hands behind my back. "Sorry but I don't trust you with your helmet and we tried to take it off you but it shocked us (I had rigged it so only i could take it off). Wow I sure did a number on your visor. Well enough chitchat as locus would say. Do you know why you are here," he rambled. Was it could it be....felix? "What not gonna talk? Have you gone silent? Do you know who I am," he asked. I still refused to speak he wasn't goingto make me either. "Well so you aren't going to talk at all. Shoot her," as he said that one of the guards takes his pistol and shoots my knee. I cry out in pain unable to keep it in. "Gonna talk now," he asked. I kept my head down and ignored him and the pain the best I could. You better have a good reason for leaving me theta I thought. "So nothing. Shoot her again a little more deadlier though," as he said that I was shot in the shoulder two inches from my jugular vein. "You are felix," I stammered not being able to take another shot like that. "Wow it talks, do you know why you are here," he asked again. "Are you using me to get to locus," I asked. "Bingo and in record time too," he said. Just as he went to ask another question I heard an explosion and screames. "Go check it out J," said felix motioning for the guy that shot me to move. "Ok we aregoing to have to holdthe questions for a bit sorry. South Carolina right? Well either way I got to go check this. See yea when I'm back," he said as he walked out. I hear shuffling behind me but the shot I took to the shoulder had lost alot of blood. I was having a really hard time staying awake. The one in my leg had already stopped bleeding but my shoulder was gushing. I heard locus's voice saying that he found me then I faded to black.....
I woke with a start. I jumped up and felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. Putting my hand on my shoulder I find it bandaged and out of armor. I am in a loose t-shirt that has the letters MCR on it as well as some basketball shorts. I know who has a shirt like this. "Charity," I said without knowing it. " Grey she is awake," yelled Caboose as I realized I had a splitting headache. "Oh goodie, glad she actually woke up," said grey as she walked in. "Where is Theta," I asked trying to find words. "Still with Idaho. Theta and Chara are actually hitting it off with each other," she said. "," I said shaking from both fear of losing theta and the loss of blood. "Okay calm down there is someone who wants to see you now you are awake," said Grey. "Who," I barked. " MEEEEEE," sang charity as she walked in.

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