Chapter 1

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Ryan's pov


Hi. So.. I'm dead. That's a way to break the ice huh. I died last year on my 17th birthday. It wasn't one of those cool deaths like a plane crash or being eaten by a dinosaur.. I just.. died. To be specific I drowned.

There are millions of theories that people have about what happens after life ends. I always thought that you just go to heaven. Sadly that's not the case.

You end up trapped wherever you die. I died in some creepy old house's pond near a field. Nobody lives here. I guess I'm quite lonely.

As much as I dislike being dead I don't think I miss being alive.. it's the same to be honest. Lonely. I've always been lonely.

You're probably thinking 'so you're a ghost?' but the thing is.. I don't know. I can't walk through walls or any of that crap so I don't know how to find out..

I wish somebody would just come and live in this house.

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