Chapter 4

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Ryan's pov


No no no no please don't don't take me back there.. please ill do anything I'll.. I can't swim I-

I wake up to something poking me softly on the cheek. the fuck is that? my eyes won't open so I'm just gonna go back to-

"Um are you awake?"

My eyes shoot open and meet another pair of eyes.. blue. A person. I've not seen a person for at least a year, maybe more.

I want to say something but I'm speechless.

"Well.. now you are.." the blue eyed boy says. he's gorgeous. black hair like me and quite pale.. he looks like an angel.

But wait.. how can he see me?

"You.. uh... you can uh see uh me?" I haven't spoken out loud for a long time so the words come out a bit strained.

"Well um yes.. you're not invisible if that's what you're asking" he chuckles.

I can't help but smile. he's adorable.

"So.. any reason you're sleeping in an attic?" he asks humorously.

"I can't leave."

"What do you mean? Doors right there.." he's confused.

"When you die, you gotta stay put. stay where you end up." I say matter of factly.

He looks at me blankly.

"I died here. I have to stay in this house." duh.

He chuckles again like I'm joking "ok ok so how did you die? ghost boy." he winks. wow.

"Well.. I used to come here a lot. not to. The house but to the pond outside.. last year on my 17th birthday I ran out to the pond because my family.. well that's not important but yeah.. I jumped in. I drowned. woke up in this attic, never moved."

He stares at me in confusion.

"I'm not joking." I sigh, looking away.

"So.. you're dead?" he finally whispers.


"Like 'dead' dead?"



"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I live here." he's still in shock of what I told him.

"Nobody lives here."

"Just moved in.. guess you slept all the way through." he smiled a bit.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Jord. yours?"

"Ryan. I had a friend called jord, she was nice."

"She? great." he grunts. "why did my parents give me a girls' name?"

"Unisex. it's a unisex name." I point out.

"Yeah.. so... Um like do you have to stay up here? in the attic?"

"No. I just can't get out without someone opening it from the other side.. there was never someone to open it." I smile at him. maybe I could leave now.

"Do you wanna come to my room?" he scratches the back of his neck shyly. "I mean it's not decorated or anything but-"

"Yes, please." I cut him off.

He stands up and puts his hand out to pull me up. I grab onto it. he has warm hands. really warm.

We both climb down this unstable little ladder thing and he opens the door to his room. we both go inside.

I run to his bed and throw myself on it.


"beds?" he laughs, watching me from the doorframe.

"Hell yeah. sleeping on a wooden floor isn't exactly comfortable."

He chuckles and sits next to me on his bed.

"You're the first person I've had an actual conversation with in months." he sighs laying back on the bed. I do the same, turning to face him so that we're facing each other.

"Well, you're the first person I've spoken to at all in about a year. I win."

He smiles sweetly and looks into my eyes.

My eyes start to feel heavy and I'm about to drift off when

"Why did you do it?" he asks, shuffling closer to my body.

"Do what?" I hum, half asleep.

"Kill yourself?" he has a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Life wasn't for me." I sigh.

He doesn't say anything. he wraps his arms around me and breathes into my hair.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." he whispered, drawing circles on my back with his thumbs.

I fall asleep in his arms and for the first time in a long time, I feel safe.

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