Unconventional set up

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"Are they still after us?" My friend Killer says. "I don't know, maybe we split up and I'll hold them off while the likes of you two head to the flag." Says my other friend Essenze. "That's mental, I'm all for stupid ideas but that screams genocide to me did you not see what happened to Nina (Our deployment officer and good friend) they blew her brains out from the inside" I said, my name Creav. Together the three of us make up the squad Pirate watchers only the most elite and stupid of unit 32 within the scout brigade. Our code name Snake.

This squad specializes in unconventional tactics, no not bombs I mean questionable tactics. But we also have the task of destroying light, enemy camps and long ranger and short ranger fire support. I provide the long range support while Killer provides short ranger, then once we have softened up the enemies Killer and Essenz go in and clean up  and get the job done if i see anything i warn them and if the moment isn't in their area i pepper the area where i saw movement with explosive arrows. Now, it's not the best for cleaning up the mess but its effective and poetic in a way. We have an art competition some years and last year some genius made art out of the blood that I worked hard to make and stain walls with and that fucker got first place, using my blood of all things! Anyway Killer and Essenz have each other's backs and if something goes wrong they know they can just have me get line of sight on said danger and I can get them out safely. Now remember how I said we use questionable tactics this is one of them. If I cant kill the things after Killer and Essenz all I do is delay their pursuers until they get to my position. At that point they yell at me and we all run for our lives.

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