Unconventinal Escape Plan

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"So then what is there to do? Think about it, we can't go back or else we may not get out." Says Essenz. The three of us are in a corridor with thick fog in front and enemy soldiers looking and sounding alarms left and right, speakers screaming words we know all to well from other missions. "Well we either go into the fog where we cant see ten feet in front of us or go back and face certain death via scorched alive because fire elemental mage. Now I'm 99% sure we stand a better chance of living if we just Leeroy Jenkins into the fog then trying to fight our way through and army and a half with an assassin a sniper and a sharpshooter who are all tired and hungry." Killer says, and to be honest I'm with her. I think Essenz has no idea where we are and he doesn't have a clue on where we are going or where we are going. 

The point of the mission that we went on was actually what our unit was for, and if you guessed scouting you would be right. You see the three of us and our our deployment officer were sent out to gather information on a important supply point for the enemy and it was supplying their front line men killing hundreds of our men, our job was to take it out. Our plan was to strike during the night and just fire explosive arrow and napalm shot which is what Killer uses over the fence with Essenz spotting targets for us to light up and Nina to protect us. Hold on a second it occurs  to me, I never said how Nina likes to conduct battle. Nina is a knight, which means she has the defense of brutes and attack of assassins however both have their ups and downs.  You see brutes have full diamond armor and choice of iron, gold, or diamond swords they always chose diamond for more dps on the other hand though they have no defensive skills but to balance that out they have diamond armor. Knights have the next level down and that is iron. Then for offence knights have vengeance which is for 1v1's 1v2's if the 2 are bad most other knights that aren't in scouting units use level fields which if for 2v4's and that area of the war. Then there are the assassins who are meant for surprise 1v1's and picking off solders who wonder off  from their unit and if they are lucky get away with a 1v3 not in their favor live level field mix it with bulls charge which is an attack skill for the axe and cleave which does 100% damage to enemies within 3 meters of the original target and you will win a 1v5 Nina has done it before and it's beautiful watching it from afar. But assassins is what I was talking about so I'll get on with that. Assassins are the fastest class by default brutes can go faster but most can't but assassins are balanced by having weak armor that doesn't weigh them down so they can achieve that speed without skills but their weak armor makes them squishy when running so for that they have smoke bomb which blinds the enemies within 6 meters and turns them invisible accept for a little particle at their feet on the ground however it lasts for only 10 seconds. However their main source of dps comes from Combo Attack which does +1 damage every time they hit the enemy after 3 seconds of not hitting anybody the combo resets,  much like brutes they usually use a diamond sword. But knights are the medium between that with iron armor and all classes have choice of diamond, iron, or golden swords most experienced soldiers use diamond and if not mages usually use a gold sword to boost the skill on their sword by 1 but people disregard this fact and just use diamond weapons. But enough of that, Nina is a knight with hilt smash 5 and a diamond sword with vengeance 3 and deflection 3. 

An Unconventional StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang