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The cold air weaved through my hair, blowing it away from my face. I watched Joji light a cigarette and take a long drag. He let the gray smoke float through the air and disappear with the midnight atmosphere. I looked at the ground and then at the sky, then at Joji. His cheeks hollowed as he took another hit, blowing the gray cloud around us. He quickly puffed in the cigarette, looked toward the sky, and blew whimsy smoke rings into the night. I laughed and slowly clapped. "Impressive." I said, sticking my hands in my jean pockets. "Wanna head back in, it so cold out here." He suggested, stomping out his cigarette. He held the door for me and we stepped inside. The pop music hit me and I started to sway back and forth. "You're good." Joji complimented and watched me spin and dance. "Yeah, it's just a hobby." I explained, moving my hips a little bit more dramatically. He laughed and grabbed my hand. "C'mon, let's go on the actual dance floor." He suggested grinning. I didn't hear him right, I was too busy focusing on my hand in his. Soon we were on the dance floor. Spinning around and passing each other compliments. We were tired very quickly and headed to the bar for refreshments. We ordered some fruity margaritas and downed them quickly. I was fine, but my arms felt a little heavy. We soon found Max, he was taking a number from a pretty blond, who had teeth straighter then a ruler. Joji elbowed me, trying to get me to see what I already saw. I laughed anyways, grabbing Max's attention. Just then Ian wobbled over, clearly waisted. Perfect. I thought, and we all shuffled out into the parking lot. I jumped into the passenger seat of Max's old beat up car, and made sure he could drive. Joji came up to the window and knocked on it. "Y/n, I just wanted you to know I had fun tonight. I don't know if you want it, but here's my number." He said nervously. I blushed a deep red and took the ink stained gum wrapper. I smiled and sat forwards. "Goodnight, Joji." I answered. "Goodnight." He said before slipping into his car. "What was that!" Max asked. I laughed and punched his arm. "Ok, Joji's cute, and I like him. A little. Just a bit. Now don't get your panties in a twist." I said in a sassy voice. I looked over at Max. His eyebrows were raised and he was smirking. "My two best friends together? Woah!" He said. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. "He probably doesn't even like me." I mumbled. Max laughed and started the car finally. "Joji doesn't give out his number all the time." Max said, glancing at me now and then. "In his contacts, I bet you, are his parents, me, Ian, and Chad. That's it." He said jokingly. I laughed and shook my head. "Boys." Max grinned and we both bursted out laughing, turning up the radio and screaming into the night.
I woke up with a grunt and a small head ache. I pulled myself out of bed and showered, twisting up my hair and changing into a light blue shirt, cut offs, and white sandals. I threw my hair into a messy bun and walked into the kitchen. It smelled of toast and coffee. You wouldn't believe what I found on a plate in the dining room. Next to some toast and coffee was a napkin that said the word outback. I slid open the back door to be greeted by a large blue tarp sprawled across the ground. "Hey Maxine, what's going on?" I chimed, walking over to Max. He held large bags of fruits and veggies. "Just shooting a video." He explained, standing up to pull me into a good morning hug. "Cool." I said, pulling away to scarf down the toast. "The boys will be over in a few." Max said. I stopped, held up my thumb, and continued.
After filming came the worst part. Joji sat on the ground in a filthy tux, cleaning up broken foods that littered the ground. I stopped scrubbing and pulled out my phone. "This is so picture worthy." I said smiling. Everyone turned to me to pose as I positioned my phone out to the mess, except for Joji. "Joji! Pose." I commanded, looking out from behind my phone at him. He looked at me then turned away. I looked at Ian, who shook his head and posed. I looked to Max who shrugged, then did a peace sign. I snapped the picture. It was defiantly a weird keeper.

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