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I woke up feeling cold and lonely. I glanced behind me to see I was alone. I sighed and rolled out of bed. I went to the bathroom and opened the door. I pulled a fluffy towel from the cabinet and took a hot shower. I walked out to smell something buttery and good. I walked into the kitchen to see Joji flipping pancakes. I laughed at him as he tried to flip one and it landed on the floor. He scooped it up and threw it away. "You're too kind for your own good." I say, walking over to Joji. He just grins and returns to the pan. "Watch this." He says with a mischievous smile. He scooped up a pancake, flipped it, and it landed perfectly on a plate. I clapped and pushed some damp hair out of my face. "Very impressive!" I said, watching him sprinkle mixed fruits onto the pancake. He drizzled syrup onto it and handed it to me. "Thanks." I said smiling. I set down the pancake at the table and watched Joji flip around another pancake. "Try to take a pic of me flipping the pancake in midair." He grinned. I stared at him unsure. "You sure Jo-" he cut me off. "Positive." He said confidently. "Okay." I said, clicking on my phone. Joji stood back, swishing the pancake around in the pan for a second. "Ready?" He asked, grinning even bigger. I nodded frantically. He flipped up the pancake and I tapped my phone quickly. The pancake landed in the pan and I hear Joji whisper 'nice' as I look at the picture. It was great, the slightest bit blurry. Joji had his hand on his hip, his other hand held the frying pan. The pancake looked like it was levitating about a foot above it. Joji walked over and looked at the photo. He grinned and put his plate of pancakes down. "So Instagram worthy." I smiled. I looked up at him, he was nodding in approval. He's slowly working his way out of his phobia. He's trying hard.
We all stared at each other. I raised my pointer, ring, and pinky finger up. My thumb and my middle finger were positioned behind the black spinner. I flicked. "Max....right" Max groaned and stared at the blue spot on the Twister mat. Ian and Joji laughed wickedly while Chad sat there, shaking his head. "That's my job." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes and focused on Max. He inches his foot towards the mouse trap covered blue spot. He then shoved his toes into the traps, howling in pain. The boys winced as his toes turned blue. I cackled and cringed at the same time. I flicked the spinner again. "Ian, left hand...yellow." He sighed as he stared at the ice covered yellow spot. He stuck his hand onto the ice, wincing a bit, but not pulling away. Max wined and glanced at his purple toes. "Shhh! It's Joji's turn!" I said, shushing him. He rolled his eyes and waited. I flicked the spinner. "Right!" I grinned evilly. The boys whooped as Joji groaned. He took a deep breath and blew out the red candles that sat on the red spot. He then plunged his hand into the hot wax, shrieking in pain. I covered my smile with my hand and shook my head. I stood up, the spinner board falling to the floor. "That's it, I'm not playing this sick game anymore!" I went to Max's kitchen for juice. I went to the bathroom and fluffed up my hair. Joji came in and stood beside me, washing off hot wax. "Ow!" He winced, looking at his red stained fingers. I sighed and looked at myself again. "Are you thinking about changing?" Joji asked me, staring at my comfy outfit. "Why would I do that?" I laughed, eyeing him. "We're going to the carnival, remember?" He asked, pulling me in for a kiss. I smushed my lips to his, then pulled back. "Oooohhh, yeah! I'll be ready in a bit!" I ran out of the bathroom and out the door. I ran into our cabin and threw on a cute outfit(above). I came back to everyone in the parking lot, waiting for me. Joji puffed on a cigarette while the boys talked to each other. I jump on Joji, hugging him. He throws down his cigarette and picks me up, spinning me around. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck, tasting his fowl breath. I loved how he smelled, cheap cologne and cigarettes. It grew on me, making me miss it whenever I wasn't around the familiar scent. He dropped me and opened his car door. There was enough seats for everyone, so Chad drove, Ian in the passenger seat, me on Joji's lap, and Max beside us. We sang and talked and laughed until we pulled into the carnival parking lot. There was a huge slide, a fun house, a million food stands, a marry go round, a roller coaster or two, and a huge Ferris wheel towering above it all. It's red, pink, purple, and blue lights flashed over the whole masterpiece of fun. I squealed and grabbed Joji's hand, leading him around. We played games, Joji winning me a stuffed bear. I cuddled it and kissed Joji on the cheek. "This is so cute! Almost as cute as you." I said cheerfully. He rolled his eyes and draped his arm around my shoulder, kissing my head. We walked to a hotdog stand for lunch, then we rode on the big slide, Joji holding my waist tight as we went down. "That was fun!" I chime, walking to a roller coaster. "Oh no, I think I'll sit this one out." Joji says, backing up. "No! I want you to come with me! It will be so much fun, if you don't have fun, I'll repay you later." I smirk, wagging my hips. He laughed and hopped up. "Okay, I'm in. Just to make you feel better." He says, intertwining his fingers with mine. "Yeah, okay." I say, rolling my eyes. "Alright folks, fasten your seatbelt, drop the metal harness and give a thumbs up when you hear a click, then, enjoy your ride!" A man shouts at us, he smiles and leans on his table. We pulled down the metal bar, hearing a click. Me and Joji glance at each other. He seems nervous, he fidgets around in his seat and grips my hand tightly. "Joji, relax! You're fine, look!" I said, pointing at the seatbelt and metal bar. "Double protection." Then we are off, twisting and turning. We do a full loop, I squeal and squeeze my eyes shut. Joji laughs and enjoys the warm breeze. I open my eyes to see the roller coaster trucking up the steep track slowly. Then, it stops as it gets to the top. It finally slams us down, my hair flying wild. I grip Joji's hand as we scream until the ride is over. I feel dizzy and excited at the same time. Joji pulls me to a bench where we sit for a moment, eyeing the bright carnival in the setting sun. "How about we finish off with the Ferris wheel?" Joji asks, standing up. I stand up too, feeling dizzy immediately. Joji laughs and squats down. "What the heck are you doing?" I ask, looking at him. "Hop on!" He says loudly, pointing to his shoulders. I roll my eyes and climb on. He gets up with ease, spinning around and heading to the Ferris wheel.
We take a seat in a red car, latching the door behind us. We scoot close together, eyeing the view of the city. We finally start moving. "This has been a wonderful day." I say quietly, laying my head on Joji's shoulder. "Yeah, I don't deserve you." Joji says, snuggling closer to me. I squeeze the bear Joji got me, running my fingers along it's fur. "I don't deserve you." I say back, smirking. Joji shakes his head and smiles, kissing me gently. I deepen the kiss, only pulling away for air. We are almost at the top now, looking at the pink, orange, yellow, blue, and purple sky. I gasp as I look at the sight. Joji stares too. The scene is so beautiful. It feels like I could stay here forever. Like time stopped. Because it did. "Why aren't we moving?" I ask, staring at the frozen Ferris wheel. "I don't know..."
Thanks for 200 some reads already, it means so much! Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I hope you enjoyed!!☺️❤️❤️💘

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