Chapter 5

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The Secrets Last Stand

:.Hayden's Pov.:

Vincent walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen looking a little confused. I looked behind him and saw Kody wasn't with him.

"Did you talk to her?" I asked. I had Vincent talk to Kody while I talked to my dad. He seemed pretty pissed before so I talked him down. I found out he believed what I feared; Kody had done something to herself to make her powers better.

"Yeah, I talked to her. I sent her out to talk to Davien. She never came out?" I shook my head and looked at dad.

"She must have overheard. Vincent, check her room. I'll check.."

"I just came from there. She never came back." We started searching the entire house. Looking wherever she could be hiding. Nothing, she vanished.

"Dad, she's not here." I said running out of the bedrooms. I looked around but he was gone. I went to see that his bedroom door was open, which was strange because it was usually locked. I've never seen it. I slowly walked in and I just saw dad standing by the window, looking out over the yard.

"I've been watching you since you were born. Both of you. Keeping tabs, making sure you were safe. I wanted to make sure nothing happened to either of you. And now I can't even keep your sister in this house. I can't figure her out. She is sinking deeper and deeper into a hole, that I'm not even sure we can help her out of." He said, not even turning to look at me. I looked around and noticed it was just a plain bedroom, with a twin bed and a dresser. There was a side table with a small lamp and like his living room, he doesn't have a television. I did happen to see pictures of us growing up.

"She's been in deeper holes, dad. We will figure this out." I walked up behind him and smiled when he finally turned to face me.

"You're right, Kiddo but that doesn't stop me from worrying about Kody. Her behavior has become reckless and I need to figure out how to reign her in. If I can get her to see reason and stay with us, she is going to take over for me like you are for your mom. She can't screw this up." He explained. I nodded and walked out to find Vincent standing at the doorway to the kitchen.

"Did you find her?" He asked. I just shook my head and pulled him into the kitchen to sit down.

"No, I think we just have to let her come back on her own. When she's ready. If we keep chasing her and looking over her shoulder, basically treating her like a child, she'll never come back." Dad and Vincent agreed that that was a good idea so that's what we did. We waited.

:.Kody's Pov.:

I sat on Ian's bed and waited for him to say something but he doesn't. There really wasn't much to say. We both knew that I was here because I needed him but something inside me knows I need to stop running to him. We won't ever be in that place again, we'll never be together.

"Ian, I think I...I need to..." I couldn't even get the words out. He took a deep breath.

"You don't have to. If it's easier to be here, away from everything than you can stay. I'm sure Ralph wouldn't mind." He said. Why does he seem to care so much now? He made it perfectly clear where he stood. He didn't want anything more to do with me. I just looked at him for a minute, trying to figure him out.

"It's just...they don't trust me. They think this is something I did. They didn't even ask me about it like you did. They just...assumed. Jumped to the conclusion. I only wanted to be able to use my powers like Hayden can. I only wanted control. And I wanted to be..." I tried to get the words out, to explain it to him what I was feeling but it was impossible. He tried to make eye contact with me, but I just closed mine. This was hard enough.

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