Chapter 13

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The Secrets Last Stand

:.Hayden's Pov.:

As dad had promised, someone came for Ian. Someone also came for Lowery. Kody had calmed down and was just blankly staring at nothing. I didn't know what to expect when the guards showed up to pick him up but I wasn't expecting what happened.

"Kody, come on. They need to take him now." She just calmly nodded and stood up and watched them leave. I was afraid she was going to have a fit. I was expecting screaming and crying and throwing but she didn't, she just silently cried, biting her thumb nail. Once they were gone, we went home.

Once we got home, Kody disappeared into her room and wouldn't come out. I just sat in the kitchen with a cup of tea. I didn't know what to say to her that would make any of this better, then I realized there was nothing that would, so I didn't bother her.

Dad came home soon after we did.

"How is she?" He asked, taking off his jacket. I got up to put my cup in the sink.

"Not good. She's been locked up in her room since we got back." I answered, leaning against the counter and crossing my arms. He just nodded and looked back towards the bedrooms.

"Well, it's finally over." He said. He sounded a little disappointed.

"Yeah, but at a cost." He looked back at me. "Dad, Kody is heartbroken. She just lost Ian and..."

"Don't you think I know that? I know how bad she's hurting. In case you forgot, I went through the exact same thing two months ago. Hayden, I just...I don't know what to do." I wanted to say something but he stormed out of the house. I just went into the living room and watched television.

:.Kody's Pov.:

I don't remember falling asleep, but I welcomed it like someone welcomes the sun after a long awful winter. There was no pain while I slept. I didn't dream but it was better than being awake, aware of the pain I was forced to endure when I finally did wake up. It took all the energy I had to sit up and when I did, I felt like there was a rock in my chest and in my stomach. It was like I weight two thousand pounds. I could hardly bare it.

I looked at my nightstand and saw a picture of Ian and I from when he first moved in with Hayden and me. He was trying to teach me how to play poker but no matter how hard he tried, I just couldn't learn. Just when I thought I was out of tears, more came. I slammed the picture down and manifested a bottle of whiskey. I downed half the bottle in a few minutes. I don't know if...

There was a knock on my door and I just looked up as Hayden walked in with a plate of food. I tried my best to smile but severely failed.

"Hey, I don't know the last time you ate anything so I thought you might be hungry." She said, setting the plate on the bed. I merely looked at it.

"I'm not hungry." I said, standing up. When I was finally upright, my whole body felt like it was full of cement. I felt extremely heavy but the more whiskey I drank, the more the cement seemed to break away. Soon the bottle was empty so I manifested a second one. I was already feeling the effects.

"Kody, what is drinking half your bodyweight in alcohol going to accomplish?" Hayden as I was chugging the bottle. I finally stopped to get some air before turning to face her.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll die of alcohol poisoning." I answered. She just dropped her head in her hands and groaned.

"Kody," She said after a moment, then she stood up, holding her hand out. "Give me the bottle." She didn't move until I handed it over. I was already numb so I didn't care. I sat back down on the bed and tried to breathe but it seemed like my lungs forgot how.

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