Child! Jason the toy maker x reader

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hey guys! This part was suggested a while back by bbflame, and I must say that I am sorry for not getting to it sooner, but it is hard to find reference for the characters personality. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story, and thanks bbflame for the request

The cold day was finally coming to an end while you walked home from a friends house, your phone to your ear as you talked animatedly. "Come on, you can't believe every boy that says they want to date me is telling the truth." You said to your friend, who was getting flustered over some comment a boy had made about dating you.

Before your friend could come up with a response, you gave a short scream as something caught your foot, and sent you crashing down into the frosty grass. Gave a small groan, you looked back at whatever had tripped you; to your shock, it as a small boy with crimson hair, ghostly white skin, wearing a black petti-coat with a white fluff around the edge of the top. You were so shocked at seeing the strange child in the cold evening light, you didn't notice he was hurt until he started wailing miserably as you still laid on him.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, little one. Are you hurt?" You asked, knowing the obvious answer, but you didn't care as all of your attention was on the screaming child, wiping his tears on your (f/c) parka as you looked him over for wounds.

The child sniffled slightly before glaring up at you for a second, but his gaze automatically softened as he looked you over.  Seeing that the boy was alright, you smiled sweetly at him, "What is your name, child?" You asked, brushing off a few specks of frost from the childs fluff at the edge of his coat. "Jason, Jason the toy maker." He said, his tears forgotten as he grinned at you almost psychotically, but you didn't mind for the time being.

"Well Jason, where are your parents?" You asked, still crouched in front of the child, sharing his jovial smile in the dying sunlight. "I don't know, and I have no where to go." He said, tears replacing the smile he once had, his depressed expression made your heart crack, you couldn't leave the small boy outside alone, he would die! "You can come stay with me, if you want."

The boy gave a small gasp, his yellowish-green wide with shock, "Y-you'll actually take me in? Thank you!" He squealed, jumping into your arms, and throwing his arms around your neck, refusing to let go.

Giving a small chuckle, you picked the small child up, and began walking home with him in your arms. Jason was a hyper child, but he seemed nice enough, so you had no trouble with giving the small boy a place to stay for a while. Too bad, it wasn't going to last.

Thanks for the read guys! Also, another thank you to bbflame, sorry if your name is wrong, but you know who you are. Peace!

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