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Black and white. Night and day.

Tina had been in the prison long enough to know that by heart. When the glass went white with sunshine, it was day. Black was night, and as for everything in between, she had no idea. Now, it was white. Bright, blinding sunlight splashed across Tina's face, and she frowned, touching the glass windows that kept her from the outside world. Another day of sun meant another day gone. Another day in prison. Trapped. Every day, Tina thought this. Later, in the afternoon - or, at least, what felt like the afternoon - Tina knew, with absolute certainty, that she would be banging her hands weakly on the windows and crying of fear. 

If anyone was kept in a place like that for to long, they would go crazy. Tina had just decided not to wait. If she was going to be nuts, why not start early? It never hurt, as far as she was concerned. Glaring at the windows, the thirteen year old let her fingers drag across them slowly. A single, strong punch, and they would go flying down. But no. They would never allow her t get strong enough to do that. Visibly wincing, Tina began to imagine all of the people outside the glass. They got to run, and play, and everything else she couldn't even think of. Even working was better than this! 

Biting her lip, Tina battered her head against the window, then rubbed it when she stopped. Why couldn't she escape? And to think; Whoever had placed her here had given her immortality. Immortality! Some would take it as a gift, some would assume incorrectly. With immortality, how many cuts and bruises would a person take? How may limbs would you lose? It was a miracle there were no hazards near Tina. Besides that, think of how you'd feel! Could anyone stand watching so many relatives die? And some people thought of it as a magical gift they yearned to have! Incredible.

Lost in her thoughts, Tina was quickly jolted up when a crash shook the room. Glass shattered all over, and Tina had nothing to protect herself with. Grimacing, she hurriedly pondered which was worse - jumping out a window or being pelted with a million glass shards. Window she decided, and recklessly jumped.


Hi, guys! I know this chapter was short - the chapters in this book will be shorter and snappier than the ones in my other book, Not All Fairies Have Wings. Thanks! -Exiana

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