Chapter 4

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The party did end before Phil did
Long before Phil.
Phil wasn't sure he could take a life without Dan, but it wasn't like he had any choice.
Well, he wasn't sure what would happen to him at this point.
The creatures that were always in the home said that they didn't like salsa, which Phil took to mean that they preferred devouring living chips like Dan without dipping them in him first.
He was right.
They took him out of the place he had been, and he was taken on a long journey to a horrifying stench filled place with a blue roof above him, and no walls for as far as he could see.
He hated this horrifying place, not for any valid reason (and there were many) but because there was no Dan.
He hated the world for this reason.
He didn't understand the point of living in such an awful place- such a dark horrible place in which Dan, the beautiful chip who he'd fallen in love with didn't exist.
And that's when he truly died.

If you go to a certain landfill, and go to the southernmost point you can see a rotting bit of salsa. If you can talk to salsa (and I'm not sure how you can) you may hear it say a few words.
Don't let that fool you. Phil hasn't been alive since this story ended.

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