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     {August 5, 1978; Great Bend, Kansas}
"Ed, come quick!" Seth yelled to me while I was washing my hands. Wondering if it was news about Mary, I rushed to the tv in the bus. Ever since I put the missing persons ad in the newspaper in Pasadena, news everywhere started to become interested. We've had people calling in everyday with leads, most of them dead ends.
I got up next to Seth and Mary's school picture that her stepmom gave me was on the TV. Every time I saw a picture of her my heart ached.
"...as Ms. Randall continues to be searched for on a new lead. Police took an anonymous tip last night in Nevada and are trying to track down the girl. We will update as soon as possible on Mary Randall. Even though she is being looked for in Nevada right now, as always if you think you've seen-"
"Oh my god..." I muttered silently, praying that the lead was right.
"Should I still hand out flyers today?" Asked Seth, who has been handing them out everyday since he temporarily joined the tour.
"Uh, yeah, go ahead. Just in case." I sank into the sofa and stared mindlessly at some sitcom that started to play as Seth got the flyers and went outside.

A couple hours later I still sat on the couch, waiting for a breaking news flash to come. It didn't. Alex came In and told me to come and get ready for the show. I sighed heavily and stretched, my back soaked with sweat from sitting in a hot tour bus. It was going to be a long night.
Hey Ed, you gonna join this party? It's gettin' good, man!" Dave called to me, a girl on each side of him.
"Uh, no, I'm alright. Thanks though."
Dave shot me a sympathetic look before walking back to the booze table. I sulked back to the tour bus.
Once in the tour bus, I downed half a bottle of vodka, showered, and laid in my bunk. It was still hot, so I stripped down to my underwear and stared at the ceiling, my thoughts the only sound I heard. I zoned out and daydreamed about Mary and I laying here. Then, the phone suddenly rang, scaring me out of my comfort.
Stumbling to the phone, I answered and grumbled, "Hello?"
"Eddie?" A very familiar voice asked...

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