Chapter 3 Realm of the lost

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((I hope you enjoy this! Let me know what you think! Also I'm sorry if you find leaning about this type of sorcery and your characters duties boring. (let me know if you like or dislike it) but I just wanted to show you all the detail and make up a good story with extensive background for a couple of later on character development.))

I have been throughly convinced, over the corse of the last 48 hours, that doctor strange was in fact the strangest man Iv ever met.

His vocabulary seemed to present it self in the use of complete and utter satire, as he awaited my instruction each after noon.
His words often laced in a delicate sheen of sarcasm and wit, so thick I was afraid it would drip from his tongue and come splashing down on the sacred grounds of my temple.

Yet, threw all his Arrogance and crude comments, I could greatly admire something about the doctor; His determination to learn.

That is where we stand currently, both drawing our hands in rhythmic waves in the air.

If I hadn't seen him starring at me threw the corner of my eye I would almost say that he wasn't. However, having done this same spell more then 200 times in my lifetime, I needed little concentration. His eyes focused on me in intensity, watching my movements and patterns like that of a mesmerized child. It was easy to dismiss his starring as a way of learning my technique, yet for a short time I caught a glimmer of admiration in his eyes.

With a brisk frenzy of movement, I flicked my palms backwards then out front again, this time facing them together, and slowly pulling out words as a dark matter balled in the center.

When I suddenly pulled my fingers out in a jerking motion, a large black misty disk appeared in front of me, in the center a large outline of a risen fist.

"When the portal opens, I want you to follow me closely, do not give it any time to close. This part is unfortunately tricky." I told him, earning a nod from him.

He did as I instructed him to, drawing a portal in the air before us, so that I could mold it with my own piece of sorcery.

I spun my palms around the disk and threw my hands outwards, as the once black disk, now formed a large black oval shape around his.

"Now" I said, quickly propelling my self threw the portal to the other side, doctor strange close on my tail before the portal shut behind us.

"Where are we? " He asked, his eyes dancing around the scene in confusion.

"The realm of the lost." I answered, stepping forward and admiring the gray sky above our heads.

The entire place was an outstretched land of forest going on for miles. Rather then lush green and brown tones, they all assumed dark gray and black colors.

"You saw what death was. The never ending blackness. " my voice seemed more shaky then it was meant to be. "Well this is the place you go before there, this is were you wait for your fait." The realm of the lost in no way scared me, in fact it was a beauty of all universes that I could never keep away from. But something about trying to explain it shook me, for I felt I could never truly connect the pieces of its puzzle.

"There are more faits then just the darkness?" He asked. But I simply sighed and replied with "patience Stephan."

"Why are we here? Just to show me what it's all meant to be?"

"Despite you being my student, I can't simply ignore my duties. As the owner of a temple dedicated to death, I also have to help protect the boundaries of death it self."
I began to walk further into the forest, his lean body shuffling along side me.
He sighed heavily. "Meaning?"

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