{PART 9}

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*Brianna's POV*

Walking with Brad in my favorite park is very comfortable.

"You wanna seat over that tree?" I asked him.

"Sure." He said.

We head to the tall tree and sit on the grass with our back press again the tall tree.

"I feel like I lost some weights." Brad said.

I laugh at him.

"Idiot." I mumble while laughing.

"I'm what?" Brad asked.

"Nothing." I said while looking away at him and laughing silently.

"I'm an idiot,huh." Brad said while smirking the started tickling me.

"B-brad! S-stop! I-i take I-it! Y-you're n-not an idiot!" I said while laughing.

Brad stop and I notice that he's hovering me and our face are inches away.

I can feel his hot breath,while we stare at each other....

*Brad's POV*

I looked at Brianna's green eyes.

I don't know what came over to me,but I started leaning....

*Brianna's POV*

Brad started leaning and I started leaning too.

I blushed when our lips brushed.

But before we can totally touch our lips,someone cough.

I push Brad off to me and stand up quickly.

And I see The Boys and my two sister smirking at me and Brad.

"What the f*ck,Brianna,why did you push me?" Brad asked while rubbing his butt.

I just laugh at him.

"Not funny,Brianna." Brad said in a serious tone.

"Oops,my bad,sorry Mr. Simpson." I said....

*Samantha's POV*

I sigh in relief when they didnt kiss.

"You know,Samantha,if you didnt cheat on him,you wouldnt be here spying him and his new girlfriend." Kath said and I suddenly feel my blood boil.

"Are you really my bestfriend?!? But you know you're not helping me!" I suddenly shoutat her.

"And you know,I'm not planning on helping you!" Kath shout and walk away.

"Kath! I didnt mean to shout at you!" I shout.

She just show a middle finger.

"FUCK!" I shout while kicking some dirt....

*Ashton's POV*

Maybe I can help her.

"Hey." I said to the girl.

"What do you want?" She rudely ask.

"No need to be rude,but you know I can help you bring Brad back to you." I said while smirking.

"Why can I trust you,you're just a stranger." She said and roll her eyes.

"I want to bring Brianna back to me too,ok?" I said and ran my hands through my hair.

"Ohh really?" She asked and smirk.

"Really." I said.

"I'm Ashton." I said.

"I'm Samantha." She said while shaking my hand.

"Let's get what ours." I said while smirking.

She nodded....


Hope you like it. :D


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