Big misapprehension

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It was a ordinary morning at the Donquixote family. Baby 5 and Buffalo were doing something stupid to Corazon, who then chased after the two children and tried to slap them. Of course he tripped and landed on his back, which made the two cheeky brats burst out in a loud laugh and made Law grumble something like 'clumsy blockhead' or 'silly clown'. Jora fed Dellinger and yelled at the kids to play outside. Myself sat next to Law at the breakfast table and nibbled on a piece of toast.
Only one thing was different from the other days. The young master was nowhere to be seen. He never skipped a meal with the family or overslept or something like that. The tall, blonde man was always the first one at the table and the last who leaves after a meal.
Since I had a crush on the young master, this situation worried me so I looked around and tried to spot him somewhere.
''Something wrong ______?'' asked the little boy who was sitting by my side, nibbling on some Onigiri.
''I wonder where the young master could be... have you seen him this morning?'' the worry was clearly heard in my voice.

Law knows about my feelings, he's very smart and sometimes I forgot about the fact that he's just a little kid.

''No. I haven't seen him anywhere. Maybe he's sick or something.'' was heard from the boy next to me and panic came to my mind.
''Do you think so? We have to check on him!'' I jumped to my feet, dashed in the direction of the young masters room and pulled Law with me.
''Why me too ______?! I don't want to look after Doflamingo!'' complained Law as we entered the hallway.
''You're a doctor! And I can't go alone inside the young masters room... What if he's naked or something?! You have to go first!'' a light blush crept up to my cheeks.
''Are you crazy or something?'' Law raised an eyebrow.

I stopped right in front of the young masters room and froze in the motion of knocking with a bright red face.
'Oh my god... what if he really is naked?! I can't go inside this room! I have to go back!'
Law shook his head and knocked at the door which brought me back to reality.
''What is it?! Who's bugging me this early?! Go away!'' was yelled from behind the door and I jumped in shock.
''M-Maybe we come back later...'' I whispered in Laws direction and turned around in order to go back.
''______ was worried about you so she came to check on you.'' Law answered and asked if I could come in.
''Law!'' my face was redder than a tomato ''You little traitor!''
''Deal with it and go inside.'' he turned on the heel with hands in his pockets. ''I'm sure he's not naked or something.'' Law giggled and ran back to the others. I watched him leave and crossed my arms.
'Get a load of that! Youth these days...' I was pulled out of my thought as the door opened.
The young master stood right next to me with nothing but his sunglasses and some boxers on. I turned to face him but for a moment I forgot about his height and so my eyes made contact with his nether regions.
Something inside me exploded and I could have sworn that smoke was coming out of my ears. I noticed that my nose was bleeding a little bit and I quickly held my hand in front of it.
''Y-Young master could you please p-put some clothes on before you open the door to your room?'' my eyes were wide open but I finally made it to look up to his face, which wasn't my best idea... He wasn't amused and looked at me as if I were a bug that he wanted to be dead.
''Didn't I said 'Go Away!' ?''
'If looks could kill, I'm really sure that my heart would stop beating now...'
I turned myself away from him to walk away.
''I'm sorry that I bothered you young master... I-I'm leaving now..''
Without a single word from him I went to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Corazon noticed my sad face, sat down to my right and tossed a worried look at me.

I faked a smile and tried to hold back my tears.
''I'm fine Cora. Don't worry about me.'' I lied. I was a good liar but Corazon could read me like a open book.
Don't lie to me ______! ):
''Really. It's nothing..'' I turned my face away from him.
Did my brother hurt you? his hand rested on my shoulder.
'does he know about my feelings?' a little tear rolled down my face and I nodded slightly.
A quiet sigh escaped his mouth and he shook his head.
''Cora... How did you know about that? About my feelings...''
Corazon chuckled and then he scrawled something on his notepad.
I'm mute and clumsy, not blind and stupid ^^ he smirked at me and patted my back.
''P-Please... don't tell him about it.. I-I'm sure he'll laugh at me..'' I hung my head in shame of the imagination and looked to the side.
'Sure.. I'm a member of the family and my fighting-skills aren't so bad but..'
''Who am I... to hope that he could return my feelings...'' my voice was muffled but Corazon heard every word I had said.
______...Don't beat yourself up. You're one of the greatest persons I knew. If I were my brother I would be very happy if I could call a woman like you my own. a slight smile came to my lips as I saw how his face grew redder and redder the more he realized what he had 'said'. I had to giggle a bit 'cause of the face he made. I kissed him lightly on the cheek before I stood up and started to walke out of the room.
''Thanks Cora~'' I smiled, turned around and left the living room.

big misapprehension (Doflamingo x Reader x Corazon)Where stories live. Discover now