Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I didn’t feel comfortable here. I didn’t want to be around all these people. It smelled of sweat and hormones. Why I decided to come I will never know… Oh yeah, my best friend is a complete douchebag. Where was he anyways? He’s unbelievable! Telling me to come with him and then he leaves me to go flirt with some drunk jock.  I looked around the crowd of people trying to decide where would be the best place to sit until Jack is ready to leave. I decided on the patio outside and my phone so that I could read a book.

After a while I got thirsty and decided to fight the crowd to the kitchen so I could get a soda. When I turned around there was one of the boys from my class staring at me like I was a piece of meat. From how dilated his pupils were I could tell he was drunk. So, not to cause a disturbance, I just walked the other way to get back to my seat outside away from everyone. I took a drink of my soda and went to reading on my phone again. After a while, I could no longer concentrate on my book. I was feeling uncomfortable and paranoid. The world around me was becoming distorted and I couldn’t seem to stand up straight.

I didn’t know what was wrong. I wandered into the house to try to find Jack. Eventually though I found myself in the midst of the grinding teenagers in the middle of the living room. Oh my god I had to get out of here. I needed to find Jack and get him to take me home.

Before I could get away from the dance floor I felt a set of strong hands on my hips and a body pressed against my back. I tilted my head back to see whom it was and it was the guy from earlier. “Hello there sweetheart. Wanna dance with me?”

I tensed up. Those words were echoing in my head all over again even though I spent so much time over the last two days trying to forget them. As if he knew what happened. I’m just being paranoid that’s what it is. I tried to step away from him but his hold tightened on me. Now pressed against him he made me sway with him to the beat of the song.

I was freaking out. It was like no matter what I did I couldn’t get away. My throat was tightening up and I couldn’t breathe. I needed help and fast! His lips on my neck made me cringe. And just when it seemed like there was no escape I saw Jack coming to my rescue. He wasn’t alone though. He was walking up with two mildly attractive guys. I couldn’t see right to be honest though. The lamp in the corner looked pretty good at the time. Wow he’s really whoring it up tonight. Two guys?? Okay…

They made their way over to us and I wriggled away and hugged Jack tightly. “Jack, we need to leave. I don’t feel good. I think something was in my drink and I don’t like it. Can we leave?”

He didn’t say anything. He didn’t do anything. He just looked down sadly. What was wrong with him? Is he okay? “Jack? Are you okay?” No response.

Now I could see that Jack wasn’t with these guys. These guys were forcing Jack around like a doll and now I was in the middle of them. I looked around for some type of escape but there was only one and in my state I don’t think I could get there. Although I didn’t think I could get there I went for it. Just like I thought though it was no use and I was scared. What do these guys want? Why are they being such dicks? I wanted to go home and take jack with me and just cuddle. Instead we were here and there was nothing I could do but whatever they let me until I could take my chance at escaping. Would I get that chance though?

“You know guys, I can see what he sees in her. I say let’s take a detour taking them to him and have a little fun?” guy one spoke, his words like knifes stabbing me. Oh god, we were set up and something bad was about to happen. There was nothing I could do though. Jack couldn’t do anything either. I could smell him. He smelled strongly of alcohol. The poor thing didn’t hardly have a clue what was going on but I did. Please don’t let anything happen to him…

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