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So I thought maybe I could give at least a little intro on here ;) So as I said in the description, this "book" is really just for anyone who reads my books, similar is My Book Of Randomness on my PG account (Leomawonder).

This will give you updates on what's happening, sneak peeks for my published books and even some which I plan on having in the future along with some dates on when I plan to update/publish them.

I would also love to answer any questions you have on here! ;) I understand that sometimes other people don't always understand what they're reading or what someone says, god I hope that doesn't sound rude XD

What I'm trying to say is not all of us have the same understanding as others, we process things differently, no one is perfect you can't just understand everything that's given to you. So if you have any questions feel free to ask and I will definitely answer them! ;)

Uh.... DON'T GET MAD AT ME! D: This is not really considered a book so it won't get in the way of me updating my books!

This is simply for you guys ;D

Thx guys, you don't know how much you've done for me. To me you're all superhero's because believe it or not, you have saved me.

Seeing how many of you have simply read and hopefully enjoyed my books gives me hope that I'll have a better future. I love seeing how many people I'm entertaining with my books ;) So thx guys and be proud because you have legitimately saved my life countless times ;)

I'm giving you bragging right btw so go up to your friends like:Yeah I just saved some girls life like a thousand times B) It was so easy and I'm just so cool like that B) XD




And read on ;)

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