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Today Hoseok's sister went to school as it was Monday and his parents to work. Hoseok decided to journey out to the park.

Hoseok was stepping out from his house. He was using his cane for guidance with one hand, and his other was feeling around for the front door.

After finding it and locking it Hoseok ventured forward slowly, cautious even if he was on sidewalk. This was the first time he was by himself, for all his life someone's been guiding him places.

Continuing on walking forward, Hoseok didn't hear a car coming towards him nor did he hear someone running towards him.

That day Hoseok could've gotten into an accident, if it wasn't for the neighbor that pulled him back.

A moment later he learned that the person who's arms he was in was his neighbor, Namjoon.

Namjoon was heading out, no where in mind, he just wanted to get out the house for a while. He didn't expect to see someone almost get injured.

Namjoon saw that the male he was holding had a cane and came to realize his physical condition. He's blind he thought that's why he didn't see the car.

When the endless darkness rushes in, when you can't take a step because you can't see anything ahead when you are just holding on because you can't reach out.

I edited the preview, re-read it to understand the storyline!

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