Chapter Eight

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Felix's P.O.V.

When Cry entered the house Felix could tell something was up. His beloved American looked troubled, his hands were even trembling slightly. Felix pulled him close and stroked the side of his face.

"Cry? What's the matter? Did something happen?" Felix questioned, grabbing Cry's hand in his own. His tone was laced with pure worry for his beloved. Cry closed his eyes, as if he were trying to clam himself. He sighed and gave Felix an apologetical smile.

"N-No, Felix. I just...thought that bitch down the road was going to hit the neighbors dog. I mean the things so helpless," Cry said, reaching up to cup his boyfriends face. He ran a finger over his smooth cheek. "I'm sorry for worrying you, love."

Felix smiled. Cry so easily got distracted and was so caring. Of course he must've been worried for the dog. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto Cry's soft, pink lips. Cry sighed and pressed himself closer to Felix, kissing the Swede back. Felix could tell something was still wrong. The man was still acting off. Acting distracted. Felix pulled back and ran his hand along Cry's beautiful features. Cry found himself doing the same. They sat down on the couch and snuggled close to each other. Cry leaned his head onto Felix's shoulder and Felix placed his head on top of Cry's.

They watched a few hours of a comedy that wasn't really that funny, and then Felix started pulling Cry to the bed. He laid the brunette down and crawled on top of him, smiling. He traced a finger down Cry's chest and his smile widened when his lover began to writher at his touch. Cry pulled him close and pressed their lips together. Felix started to undo the buttons on Cry's shirt.

"I told you I wasn't going to let this go, Cry." Felix stated once they broke the kiss and Cry shrugged.

"I don't mind. Do whatever you like." He said and Felix smiled once more, pulling Cry extremely close.

Cry's P.O.V.

About three hours later, Cry awoke and removed himself from Felix's arms. He made sure to be careful not to wake the sleeping man. He smiled down at his lover, and his entire being glowed with happiness. Felix meant so much to him...he couldn't let anything happen to him. Felix was the best thing to happen to him. He frowned and started to tiptoe out of the room. Once out, he slowly walked over to his coat and fished the note out. His eyes scanned the note carefully, and he could feel himself shuddering. Why did this all have to be happening to him? He grew angered when his thoughts shifted to his father. He was probably rotting in hell. Cry wadded the note up and threw it in his drawer. He sighed and ran a shaky hand through his hair. He sat down upon the couch and started to twiddle his thumbs as he thought. He glanced back to the bedroom where his beloved Swede was sleeping. He really didn't have any other option did he? He closed his eyes tightly as tears started pooling down his face. He sniffed and stood. No. He didn't have any other option. He was going to have to confront Darrel. Try his best to take the bastard out.

"I may not make it...I'm not as strong as his men, and they completely out number me. But...I have to try. At least I know Felix will be safe no matter what happens." Cry muttered quietly. He sighed again and wiped the years from his face. He walked outside once he slipped on his jacket and mask, still not wanting Darrel to see his face. He shivered slightly from the cool night air. He looked around, knowing they were watching. Somehow. He knew what he was going to do.

"Darrel...I know you can hear me, so your ass better listen good. Don't come here. Don't touch Felix, leave him out of it. He has nothing to do with it. This is between you and me. I'll...I'll surrender. I'll come to you. Just...just give me two weeks to spend with my friends and Felix. Ok? Can you at least give me that?" Cry asked, scanning the neighborhood. He knew what he'd just done was terrible, but he knew it needed to be done. He had to finnish this. Of course he wasn't just going to surrender to the bastard. He wasn't going down without a fight, he just needed Darrel to think he was. He scratched the back of his neck and nodded before walking back inside the house.

A man with cold green eyes and slick black hair sat, looking at the camera he had placed near Cry's house. He gave a dark smile as he listened to the masked man say his offer.

"Just...just give me two weeks to spend with my friends and Felix ok? Can you at least give me that?" Cry had asked in a deep tone. The man chuckled and turned off the camera. Yes. He could give him that in return for something so much better. Cry's life. The man would finally get to watch as he drove a knife straight through the bastards chest. He was worthless. Just like his father. Damn beggars. He rose from his chair to tell his men the news.

"Darrel...can we trust his word?" The man's second in command asked. The man smiled. He knew it was over. Cry simply couldn't take it anymore, and he knew he would do anything for his Swedish lover. The man nodded.

"Yes. He's had enough, and now he has this man. He'd die for him, and that's exactly what he'll do." The man said and left the room so he could prepare for what was to come.

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