Janitor Eddie's Paranormal Experience

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I work third shift at the school, which means I am always here when it's late. I clean the rooms and such. But there is just something about the upstairs - and it's hard to believe this story, but I saw what I saw... and it was real.

One night, I was going into a classroom on the far end of the hall, left if you were to look at the school outside, to do some cleaning. And I just had this tense feeling. Like someone was watching me. Of course I tried to tell myself that, oh, you know.. It's nothing. But I was terribly and utterly incorrect. As soon as I opened the door to that classroom and flipped on the light switch, a faded dark figure was right at the back end of the room. It crawled. Went all the way to the middle of the room, then zoomed up into the ceiling. In that moment, I really couldn't believe my eyes - I mean, it's hard to process seeing a ghost first-handedly. But it happened. And I witnessed it.

His Final Thoughts:

I'm not sure if I was imagining things at that time, or what. Still seems a bit crazy, yet I can't seem to debunk what happened. You don't see a dark figure cross a room every day...

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