Retired Janitor Torry's Paranormal Experience

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About seven-to-eight years ago, I worked second shift at the school. It was a little eerie at times, but I'll never forget the overwhelmingly eerie feeling from this experience.

So, I was walking up the hall. Doing my normal routine of cleaning; nothing was very off-putting for a while, until I got upstairs. Something finally turned a little strange. I had that feeling - you know, when you sense a presence. And after a little bit of walking, I heard it, too. Footsteps behind me. I'd look back, and nothing would be there. Then finally, I physically felt something. It breathed on my neck. It was very cold, almost like ice. But the breath was just on my neck. It wasn't like a full area going cold, just a small breath. I was sort of frozen at that point. Still looked back anyway though, only to find air. Nothing was around. Nobody  was around. It was just me there. All alone.

His Final Thoughts:

What I felt was very strange. But over the years of me working at the school, things like that were quite frequent. They didn't necessarily happen all the time, but the things that did  happen were definitely not nonexistent... that's for sure.

Proof of the Haunted School: Various Janitor's ExperiencesWhere stories live. Discover now