Chapter one: Secrets Broken

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The sun began to set over East Horizon High School when the track and field practice ended. Yuki sighed as he trailed behind the rest of the boys heading towards the locker room. He never really liked being around with the boys in there, mostly because he didn't want anyone finding out... Last time that happened, he almost got expelled from his former school. When he tried to consult the coach about his predicament, they came to an agreement that they can open the girl's locker room, but the next year the coach's PE program switched from co-ed to boys only. Ever since then Yuki was always the last to change in the locker room. He hated it. Being all alone, left with the smell of washed away men's deodorant. At least he had a safe space to be in, to know that his secret was safe.

It started with the usual: Yuki would wait an unbearable amount of time for the boys to finish showering and changing. As he sat outside he saw the guys file in, chattering as they went inside. The doors closed, and the waiting began.

Kyle was the last one to leave.

"Hey, while you're going into the locker room to freshen up, I'll do a spot check to see if anyone left their stuff."

"K," Yuki replied as he slammed the door shut.

Finally. Some time to himself. He went over to his locker and grabbed out his necessities: shampoo, body wash and towel. He set them aside on the bench and took off his track clothes. He certainly needed to spruce himself up, sweat stained into the fabric of his clothes. He quickly wrapped the towel around him, holding the edges by his teeth as he took off his binder and underwear. He noticed that his chest was (unfortunately) getting bigger, causing the binder to stretch. He'd have to buy a new one soon. He hurriedly ran towards the showers, trying to avoid all the puddles filled with stagnant water.

Ah, the showers.

The worst-designed showers in the world.

Or at least on the continent.

Unlike the girls' stalls, men's showers had none, only separated by a thin frame of linoleum. Were guys always this confident showing their body to other guys? Yuki thought it sounded a little too much.

He carefully set his towel and shower stuff on the little half-wall, as he turned on the shower head. As the water heated up he stepped into the flowing stream of it, embracing its warm touch as it cascaded over him. He relaxed as he began to wash his hair when the door swung open. Yuki froze.


Kyle was busy scanning the parameters of the field, making sure nobody left anything behind. It was the first day for the freshmen, and as captain of the Track and Field team, he made it his first priority to make sure all the freshmen were taken care of. Though on his way back to the locker room, he caught a blinding light shining in his face. He turned to the source, only to find a phone.

Yuki's phone.

"Ah, he's a guy after all," he murmured as he went to go pick it up. "I'll probably just leave it in there while he's changing."

He went into the locker room and confidently swung the door open when he saw something he shouldn't have.

It was Yuki, but the rest of Yuki was certainly not a guy. And all Kyle could do was just look at him, as Yuki stared back, face frozen in fear.

The phone in Kyle's hand slipped out of his grip, resonating with a crack that echoed through the locker room.

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